Pet Names

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Summary: Shawn calls you a lot of pet names that you're not fond of...And you finally tell him how uncomfortable they make you feel

Warnings: A brief mention of smut (nothing directly written) & a swear word or two

I hope you all enjoy! Thank you for reading!! I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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Word Count: 2.5K | Fluff


"Hey, baby," Shawn said as you looked up from scrolling on your phone, trying your hardest not to cringe, "Can you pass the pepper?"

You nodded your head with a tight smile and picked up the pepper shaker to place in his open hand, "Here."

He smiled, "Thanks, doll."

Another deep breath, teeth clenched, and an eye twitch––a subtle cringe. But you put that aside because you knew that's how he showed affection, "Anytime."

Pet names.

While they were cute when used correctly, Shawn tended to over use them. Every single sentence, every single time he could've said your name, he substituted it for a pet name. And every single time you cringed.

At the beginning of your relationship it was sprinkled in here and there. He would say babe as he casually slid an arm around your waist, let out a gentle sweetheart when he asked for a favor, or whispered a soft angel out as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.

You didn't mind it the first few times. You still felt very much in the honeymoon stage of your relationship when you first started dating, but now, a year and three months into your relationship, you wanted to gag every time you heard a pet name.

Every part of your relationship with Shawn was near perfect, with the exception of all the pet names he called you. But it was a sacrifice you were willing to make for him.


Shawn was courteous enough to invite you out on the road for a portion of his summer tour around the United States. While it took some planning between your job, Shawn, and Andrew, everything was able to work out.

Unfortunately, Shawn wasn't able to pick you up from the airport, but that's what he had Brian on tour for; to do all of Shawn's miscellaneous work. And while Shawn said on the phone––Oh, lover, you know I would come myself but with soundcheck and meet and greets––You accepted his answer right off the bat after he said another pet name.

You saw Brian waiting for you at baggage claim and you smiled at your boyfriend's best friend, "It's been too long!"

Brian smiled and opened his arms wide for a hug, "Oh how I missed my honey bunny."

You froze in his arms––deep breath in, teeth clenched tight, and an eye twitch.

Brian took notice of your uncomfortable posture and looked down at you with a small chuckle, "I hear him on the phone. I couldn't resist."

Letting out a sigh you nodded your head and stepped away from him, "Sorry, I didn't mean to get weird, it's just––"

"He's too fond of pet names," Brian gave you a knowing look as he took your suitcase from your hold and started rolling it himself. "If I was you, I wouldn't know how to handle it."

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