Ch19: The Prize

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Sunday passed and I didn't hear a word from Taichi. No texts, calls, or visits. I worried something happened. Now that I thought of it, he did drink my blue tea and all my floaties. Did he get sick? My worrying was pointless. So I tried to distract my mind by completing my paper for my Career class. Good thing, too since it was due the next day. 

By Monday, my fever was still lingering. It was very subtle, barely even there. Just enough that I felt mildly achy and sweaty. I wore a mask to school that day.

 Would I see Taichi? I still needed to tell him my feelings. But I guess I would have to hold off on the kissing part. 

As I stumbled down the hallway to my first class, I spotted "my group" huddled in a corner near the window.

"Chihaya-chan!" Kanade called, waving her hand in the air. 

My heart froze. Had Taichi told them I got a partial scholarship to UT? If not, should I tell them or let them ask?

As I made my way over, Nishida and Hanano parted ways, letting me into the circle.

"Are you sick?" Nishida asked, narrowing his eyes. 

"Yeah, I have a little fever."

"How long?" Hanano asked. 

"It's been two full days. I came down with it on Saturday."

"Wait! Wasn't that your date with Taichi?" Hanano sounded happy. 

"It wasn't a date!" I blushed, "We were just...hanging out. And yes, I got sick that night." 

"I wonder why," Nishida raised his brows. 

"Stop it!" I yelped. 

"Don't tease her, Nishida-san," Kanade scolded. 

"Did you kiss him?!" Hanano exclaimed, immediately covering her mouth as if she had said something grave. 

Kanade glared at her. 

"No. Why do you ask?" I said. 

"Well, if you're sick and would have kissed him then he could be sick too. That's all. I personally don't care whether you kiss him or not. Really. Only concerned about his health and stuff. Yeah," Her face was beaming red. 

"We all know that's a load of crap," Nishida muttered. 

Hanano frowned, her lip quivering. What was wrong?

"Do you know where Taichi is?" I asked.

"I think he had to do some college testing at another campus," Kanade said.

"I didn't know that."

"Isn't his birthday coming up?" Hanano asked, regaining her composure. 

"Yes, it's this this Friday, actually," I said, "I have been thinking about it and I think we should hold a Karuta tournament in his honor."

"Are you sure he would really want that?" Nishida moaned.

"We could even make shirts for everyone to wear. It could say 'Happy Birthday Taichi' on the front and '18' on the back!" Kanade exclaimed.

"Why do I even bother opening my mouth?" Nishia said.

In class, I didn't pay attention at all. I was too busy planning Taichi's birthday party surprise. I couldn't wait to see the look on his face. I decided the reward for the tournament would be to kiss Taichi, since our budget was tight anyway. I would have to win, of course. Then I would have the perfect excuse!

As I packed up my stuff and headed to my next class, I ran into Hanano. She looked as if her makeup had been smeared.

"Chihaya!" She called.

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