Chapter 1

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                        Chapter One

Harry leaned his head on his hand, bored as hell...if not a little frightened. He was always frightened when he entered this class. It's been this way for six whole years. There wasn't much he could do to dissipate his fear, considering Defense Against the Dark Arts was required through the end of his years at Hogwarts.

Don't get him wrong, he wasn't scared of Professor Riddle, Merlin no- he wasn't a Hufflepuff, he was only aware what the man was doing. Being ancient, but looking as if he were in his early thirties, girls swooned him. They literally drooled as they watched him teach up front. What was so special about him anyway? Harry glanced at the professor beneath his thick lashes, assessing Professor Riddle. The man had black, almost blue hair, which was organized neatly on the top of his head. He had sharp cheekbones and prominent facial features- and deep dark eyes.

Nothing that special.

The professor was a great public speaker, Harry would give him that. Riddle motioned with his hands as he spoke and gave eye contact to seemingly everyone. Speaking of which, dark eyes drilled into him and Harry looked away- bored. He repressed a shiver.

Tom Riddle was known greatly throughout the wizarding world. From his charm and his knowledge, the man was almost as popular as the Minister himself. Many of the people wanted Riddle as Minister, but for some reason, the man always turned the position down- preferring to influence the mind of youngsters.

Brainwashing more like it.

Harry snorted as he remembered Sirius' take on Professor Riddle. His guardian had told him Riddle was up to no good- conversing with students, especially purebloods and Slytherins- or those that showed a special talent. There had been no war sine Grindelwald, but Sirius thought if the wizarding world were to have another Dark Lord; Riddle would sure take up that position quickly, if he hadn't already. Harry had to agree, Riddle showed interest and favored those students who shined and he radiated power that seemed to attract other's attentions.

Riddle wasn't declared Dark by any means- in fact- he seemed to exude a powerful air of light and dangerous magic, no evil magic. And he didn't teach any Dark Art's in his class either. No, Riddle was mostly brainwashing the children to favor him, to come to him for problems and such. Harry wasn't going to fall for Riddle's charms. Ever. He knew there was something more to Riddle and the wizards and witches he courted on his side. Perhaps a cult or something similar...

His parents hadn't liked Riddle either- before they died. They had died together one night on their way home from the Ministry where they had worked. The Ministry examined the murder and claimed it was a rouge wizard, killing out of insanity and physiatrist problems. Rest assured, they arrested Peter Pettigrew and threw him in Azkaban where he was still rotting away. His parents died more than seven years ago just before he entered Hogwarts.

And Sirius Black had been taking care of him ever since. The man was nowhere near a parental figure- more of a big brother, not that Harry was complaining.

No matter, Harry planned on running far away from Hogwarts after he was done and joining a professional Quidditch team. No bragging intended, but he was a bloody brilliant Seeker and already got a few offers. He had a good magical gift of dueling and spell casting...among other things, but his head was always in the clouds. Plus, he didn't want to be in the magical field- he wanted to be far away from all the wizards' jealousy against being powerful.

"Mr. Potter?" Harry blinked and looked up at Professor Riddle. The man looked expectant- waiting for an answer. Brilliant green eyes glanced behind the man's shoulder, seeing A-D answers to a question. He wondered if that was what the man was asking.

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