Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen

At first, Harry's mind was blank and void. How else could he even begin to describe this? This... admittedly good kiss that was full of power and passion. Harry was experienced in kissing females, but never males. It was a world of difference, standing here, in another man's arms. The arms that held him weren't fragile and motiveless; instead, they were strong and possessive. Harry knew the hand stroking his face was just as domineering as the arm around his waist.

It was in the man's character to be so controlling. And it came through in the kiss.

And what did Harry do in response?

His knees went weak and he relied more heavily on Tom's controlling tendencies to keep him locked in the kiss. Because, even if his mind was whirling, so confused, he didn't want the kiss to end. Right now it was so simple to keep their lips locked then when they had to face each other afterward.

And that afterward came too quickly for Harry.

They pulled apart, their eyes fluttering open to stare each other down in a hazy lust. It would be in Harry's character to push Riddle away and spit insults at the Dark Lord. How could the man use him like one of his playthings? But something stopped him short. Tom's expression was what Harry found himself bemused over. The man wasn't smirking smugly nor arrogantly. Instead, the Dark Lord had almost a wistful expression— uncharacteristic on his behalf.

Harry gave a heavy sigh, gathering his strength and pulling away. He felt his cheeks grow red and that's when Tom's smirk grew into one of arrogance. Somehow, Harry found that his cue to react.

"What was that?" he spluttered, his hands in the air in exasperation. "Do you find it amusing to take advantage of me like that?"

"Take advantage?" Tom purred in question, his eyebrow cocking. "Whatever do you mean, Harry? Do you think yourself weak and vulnerable?"

"No," Harry growled. "That's not what I said."

"Then why do you assume you're being taken advantage of?" Tom challenged back. His crimson eyes taunted Harry, taking no pity on the flustered teenager. "Truthfully, Harry," the man changed his tone, relaxing his posture. "I'm attracted to you. I've been attracted to you. And I don't find it comical in the least to hide it. That being said, I want to be with you, romantically, sexually."

Harry was half expecting Tom to say 'savvy?' but the man remained quiet, waiting for Harry to respond. Outwardly, the Dark Lord didn't seem too worked up over the possibility of Harry's rejection. Why would he? The man reeked of pure confidence. But Harry was smart enough to know how Slytherins worked. Their expressions might not correlate with their inner thinkings. Who knew if Tom really was confident and collected?

"Why do I have the feeling that if I say I don't want to be with you, you'll continue badgering me about it?"

Tom's lips thinned before stretching into a lipless smile. "You know me too well, Harry," the man whispered. He took another advancing step forward, reaching out to caress the side of Harry's cheek. Harry allowed the man access, keeping his eyes narrowed in suspicion and uncertainty.

What did he really think of being romantically involved with Tom? If he was truthful with himself, he found himself almost thrilled... aroused to be with someone as powerful and self-assured as Tom. He wouldn't lie to himself. He was attracted to Tom, seeing the man as handsome and equally as cold, a man who could take care of himself if the situation required it. But Tom was also one who hid himself behind a mask at times.

Nevertheless, Harry had also seen beneath that mask on countless of occasions throughout the summer when Tom took him under his wing.


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