Chapter Three

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Davy woke refreshed. Seated on the edge of the bed, he pressed the Band-Aids on his arms but sensed nothing.

Jay laughed when he entered the kitchen, wearing her pink bathrobe.

Breakfast consisted of fresh orange juice, toast and coffee. As he sipped his coffee, Jay handed him an envelope.

"Five thousand to get you started. Give me a bell when you find a place, and I'll send the same every month. If you want more, just ask."

"Thanks, I've decided to fight back, whatever it takes. I want to be me again, not someone who doesn't exist. This money will come in handy. One more thing, I'd appreciate it if you keep banking my percentage of the business."

He left her sitting on a stool, staring out of the window. A few minutes later, he returned wearing his cheap clothes. "Thanks a million. See you soon."

She stood, grabbed and held him tight. "At times, you can be a stupid bastard. Remember, when it goes tits up, I'll still be here."

He kissed her full on the lips, turned, and left.

The hours vanished, buying clothes and finding a place to live. Davy mind went back to the bust-up with Emma when he had found himself in a similar situation. This time was so different.

The day's success was renting a modern, two-bedroom, furnished flat with telephone and private parking, not far from Hammersmith Bridge and the underground. With two traditional pubs nearby, The Rutland and Blue Anchor, it was ideal. One thing was sure; he needed to contact Jay for more money.

He timed his arrival at the grotty bed-sit a few minutes before his meet with Angie. The old witch, wearing the same smelly black clothes was waiting when he opened the door. "Didn't sleep in your room? What's wrong with it?"

He wondered how she had survived so long. "It stinks." He tossed her his key. "I promise I won't be back, and you can keep the clothes in the suitcase."

She caught the key with her bent and twisted fingers. Before Davy had a chance to ask for a refund, she edged him out, closing and bolting the door behind him.

Angie was late, and he waited further along the road.

Ten minutes later, she arrived. "I've lost my bet. I didn't think you'd be here."

"I made a decision. Perhaps we can help each other."

She shrugged. "You're wearing new clothes, and how can you afford expensive Italian shoes?"

"Because I can. Let's get this scenario straight. You want to catch the big fish, and I want to return to another life. From today, you can tell that anus fucking Harman-Smith I'll play his game, but by my rules. If he disagrees, find someone else. I don't give a shit."

Angie shook her head. Someone had fucked up. This man should be scared shitless, but he was dictating the game.

Davy turned towards her. "Before we go anywhere, have they planted a microchip under my skin?"

"They micro-chip dogs, don't they?"

Davy stared at her. "You have five seconds to tell me, or I'll walk. I have friends who can hire private doctors tonight and have them removed. I can also guarantee you'll never see me again.

"Oh dear me, who has got their knickers in a twist." she taunted, straightening her skirt.

"Nice knowing you. Bye." He started to walk along the street.

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