Chapter Six

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Jay's face grimaced with concern for the two people sitting on her sofa. "You can stay here for as long as you like-. Mind you," she chuckled, "you'll have to make yourselves scarce every so often to prevent any embarrassment. Of course, I'll give you plenty of warning."

Davy was not listening; his mind was checking that there was no way anyone could trail them. He gave the flat owner one thousand pounds in cash. Ghashide controlled the taxi firm they used, but one problem remained in his car. It needed to be lost. For the moment, it would stay where it was, in the underground car park. "Damn that Porter woman," he muttered. "If it weren't for her, my life would be a lot easier."

When he looked up, Jay was staring at him." Sorry. Give us a couple of days, and we'll be out of here. Where? God knows."

"I said you're welcome to stay here for as long as you want. Food may be a problem as I usually eat out. I take it as read that you'll be using one bedroom? If not, you'll have to decide who sleeps on the couch."

"Thanks, Jay," said Angie. "I may have the answer to our housing problem, but for the moment, it's late, and I need sleep. Can we talk in the morning? After what we've been through today, an early night wouldn't go amiss. Come on, Davy, we'll fix it tomorrow."

"Goodnight, you two. Sleep well. I'm going to have a nightcap and watch TV for a while. If it's too noisy, shout."

Angie sat on the edge of the large ornate bed that filled half of the room. "Is this where she entertains her clients?"

Davy smiled. "Right now, I couldn't care less. By the way, what did you mean by you might have the answer? "

"I have an idea that'll get us out of here. The only person who needs to know is Harman-Smith." She smiled. "Anyway, it's time you met my mum and dad. They're nice people and won't be bothered how long we stay. It'll be nice to sleep in my bed for a change."

"I don't think we should get them involved. The people we're dealing with enjoy killing."

"Do you have a better idea?"

He frowned. "All right, we stay with them until we find somewhere else. I'll have a word with Ghashide; he has contacts. First things first, I need to get rid of my car the yellow peril: it's a bit eye-catching, to say the least." He stretched both arms and gave a cavernous yawn. "Come on, let's get some sleep. Tomorrow's another day. For the moment, we're out of harm's way."

Angie went to the bathroom. Davy lay in the giant bed and stared at the mirrored ceiling, smiling.  Angie returned a few minutes later and slid in alongside him and snuggled close.

The following day, Davy asked Jay if she knew of anyone who would be interested in buying his car with no questions asked.

"You want it lost?"

"Out of the country would be ideal, and I'll need another set of wheels."

Jay laughed. "Okay, I'll see what I can do. Unfortunately, these people don't pay top dollar."

All that day, Davy contacted his operatives and ensured his operation continued. The last thing he needed was more problems.

Angie telephoned Harman-Smith from a public call box and gave him a complete account of Janice's visit. "Oh, and by the way, I'll be staying with my parents for a couple of weeks. You know the number."

Harman-Smith groaned. "Don't worry about that Porter woman. I've dealt with her. She won't be bothering you anymore. Make sure you keep me up to date as to what Jones is doing." The line went dead.

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