Chapter Twelve

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Boxer accompanied Blackbird into the Bristol Channel. When the power of the storm abated, Bennie said his farewells. The officers and crew of Boxer lined their ship's side and gave three cheers to Blackbird as she passed. As is the custom, Adrian as the junior officer, saluted. Boxer had paid him and his team the highest of compliments. She continued her journey to Plymouth, her siren whooping.

Blackbird entered Pembroke Dock on the stroke of midnight.

Adrian gave Jim the privilege of taking her alongside.

The Harbour Master was waiting, and the moment the gangway touched the shore, he came on board. The Quartermaster directed him to the bridge where Adrian was waiting. The Harbour Master walked straight up to him and shook his hand. "I hear you're a bit of a hero, sir. The news on the radio has been describing your dramatic rescue of five fishermen."

Adrian shrugged, "I understand it's why they pay us."

"Anyway," commented the Harbour Master. "The immigration authorities will be here in the morning to relieve you of your charges. Would you please ensure they stay on board?"

"At the moment, I believe they're drunk and asleep," said Adrian.

The Harbour Master laughed. "It's been nice to meet you, sir. Now, if there's nothing else, I'm off to my bed. Goodnight."

Adrian watched him disappear.

"Excuse me, sir."

Adrian turned; it was Able Seaman Middleton. "Yes, Middleton. What can I do for you?"

"Well, a lady by the gangway asks for you by name. It's not your wife, sir. What shall I tell her?"

"Has she got lovely red hair?"

"She has, sir."

"I'll come down."

Followed by Middleton, Adrian made his way to the bottom of the gangway. There, wrapped up against the biting wind, stood Angie Symes. "Middleton, disappear for five minutes." Adrian waited as the young man hurried away into the warmth of the ship. "Hi, Angie. Your man's a bit worse for wear. Get your car and be back here in five minutes."

Angie grabbed and hugged him. At that moment, her world stopped turning. There was no time, no wind, and she was at peace. She thanked God and held him tighter. "Thank you, Captain. When I heard the news, I wondered. They said you rescued five men, and I knew there were six."

Adrian whispered in her ear, "Maybe I can't count."

They laughed.

Davy was awake when Adrian entered his cabin. "How are you feeling?"

He shook his head. "You know, a hundred percent less ninety, otherwise great and under the circumstances, no complaints."

"Well, someone is waiting for you. Would you please follow me?" Together, they made their way to the gangway. Adrian stopped at the top and shook his hand. "I hope I don't have to rescue you again!" He pointed to the Range Rover. "Good luck."

Davy thanked Adrian once more. He turned and walked away.

Adrian waited until Davy was inside the vehicle and returned to his cabin.

"You look a mess. Where to?" asked Angie.

He hesitated. "Anywhere."


The following are extracts from official papers that are not exact but for the reader's information. Any attempt at uncovering more details is an infringement of the official secrets act.

The combined swoop by British and Spanish police dealt drug trafficking gangs across Europe a severe blow. The death of Isabel Alfonin resulted in the heads of the various drugs cartels fighting amongst themselves. Those involved knew the drug trade would take time to recover from such a setback.

Commander Harman Smith resigned with a full pension and associated benefits. The system promoted Harry Falkus to acting Commander. His brief was to reorganise the department as a serious crime squad.

Davy and Angie are expecting their first child. The author is not prepared to disclose their location.

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