Its a time in the Pair-a-dice

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*Faiths POV *
So . I'm Faith. I'm a prostitute . What should I else say ?

Since I came here to pair a dice , my life changed totally.

Let me tell you From the very beginning.

I, Faith got kidnapped when I was a young girl. That was 7 years ago

My kidnappers brought me here , into this bordell.

Somehow I made it ( made it ) , to survive here in this up-side-down-place. I had no "real" Sex , If you get what I mean , I just only had to make the men '' Happy '' ( As they told me what I needed to do ).

In the 3ed year I got up to Level 5. That was the time when I was  10 1/2 .

I had many friends. Most of them were bought and sold and new kids came in here. My 'best' friend here is Belle . She is a beauty . And yeah , her body is beautiful too. She has white , snow white, glittering hair . She is the "sweet" girl from here.

My other close friend is Monique ( Mo-nee-kii )

I call her Moni for short. She has pink hair , she always wears in two tails ( Like ponytails. )

She told me that her pink hair grows always pink ( that's true ) because she has Elf-blood in her vein . Well I don't really know , It does grow out pink ( I guess ) I never see her going to the parlor or so.

When I reached the age of 13 , I lost "it" ( You know what I mean ? "It" )

In order to come to level 6 I had to do "it" .

I was the only one who hasn't yet lost her virginity that way .

Then I had to work a lot. I needed to bring 5 men per day to bed . I got good played for it. 1 men = 100€ . ( 100 ct are 1€ )

Now , I am 15 . turning soon 16. Jamal must be 18 by now.

Then , came this point , this minute when I stood with the others on our platform. When the director pulled the sack away from my head and I turned around. For a few seconds I saw his face. I stared into his eyes. His calm happy , yet sad and shocked eyes. It was this moment where I suddenly got a flashback of what happened in our childhood before.

When I saw him , My eyes almost filled with tears . It was really him. Jamal.

Well , I don't know if he still remembers me. I wonder if he still likes me , after seing what really happened to me. How I am now. If he still can love me - a prostitute . I don't think so.

I hate this people this life here .

I met Jamal again, more I bumped into him.

It was pure accident , I swear . I didn't want to look at him , but when I sprung up to run away he took hold of my hand and called me by my name : "Faith" . His voice was so full of longing and pain , he really wanted to meet me again this badly. I dont know if I'm even worthy for you Jamal.

I lately had a lot Of fusses and conversations here with the keeper and Master.

I needed to work . I don't have free time. Otherwise they'll do something bad to me or my parents. Being bad to me is something like Me and  30 people at the same time.

Masters says its actually a reward of how good I was. Like punishment time.

I don't think that that is a reward for being good.

And being bad to my mother ? Who knows what happened to her. Im really worried , I tried to send a letter home where I was staying, but they cought me as I climbed in the middle of the night down out of my window. The mailbox was in the same street , actually in front of the Bordell.

Since then , I always have at least one "guard" with me. He needs to observe me , look after me wherever I'm going.

He only leaves me alone in the house and when I need privacy. But whenever I step out of PaD ( Pair a dice ).They come. 2-4 men. In black suits following me around.

I guess thats all what I had to say , wasn't it ?

* Authors note *
Hello Guys. I'm so thankful for so many reads and Votes in the last few days.
I'm sorry , gomene , UJajube
I couldn't update so much - you know -
School is the most wicked thing here on earth . Hahaha
Keep on reading , voting and following !
× Enjoy ×


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