New city

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Another city. A bit city. And horribly filled with people, Taehyungs mother caught in the traffic.

"Don't worry honey! We'll be there soon.. just hope this dang traffic could get better."

Yea. She said that an hour ago. They had been stuck in the same traffic for more then an hour now, and it was starting to get annoying.

Taehyung didn't say anything back though, because he didn't normally talk. He wasn't mute, he just didn't like to use his voice for useless things, which got people in his last school to bully him for it.

There really was no point in Taehyungs eyes, to fight back, he just let them call him names and use him for homework answers, because he couldn't care less anyway.

'They'll all be dragged down to hell anyway.'
Taehyung would think to himself, every time he felt as someone would hate on him.

"Just.. were so close okay! It will all be worth it!"
His mother cheered.

Worth it? Leaving his friends behind? His childhood home? His school? Yea no.

Atleast his fathers's grave was here right? His father had put in his will to be buried in Seoul, his father's home town. But Taehyung had grown up in Daegu.

"Oi! Take a move it asshole!"
His mother yelled from the window, beeping at the car in front of her.

"Sorry honey.. I just am too excited to wait.. you know how much I love your new.. father."

It was weird. Too weird. His mother had been dating some guy for a year now, and she was now getting married? It was pretty early, and Taehyung barely even knew the guy. He only met him once, and that was when the man had came all the way from daegu to Seoul, just to take his mother on a date.

He liked that his mother was happy and all, but he didn't think they would take extra measures and get married so soon. And he had just found out yesterday, that the man has a son. A son a year older.

Maybe he could make friends? Yea no. That wasn't really an option. Taehyung liked making friends, and he was an outgoing guy, but recently it felt like his life was crashing through the rocks, all starting six years ago, when his father had died.

You might have thought Taehyung must have gotten over it, since the boy was only eleven when it all happened, but no. After that, Taehyung barely talked unless it was very nececery. He stopped smiling as much, and couldn't move on.

He was very close to his father. Very. His father taught him everything he needed to know. When Taehyung was six, his father had bought him his first bike, and taught him the basics.
When Taehyung was eight, his father bought him his first set of paint, and brushes.

But it didn't matter what his father bought him, his father was like a best friend, an amazing father figure, his father is someone he had always looked up to.

"Ah look at that! I know your upset on moving city's Taehyung.. but just look at this place! Sky scrapers! Busy streets! A new life!... Tae.. it's time to move on. I love your father too.. but he would want the same.."

His mother wasn't wrong, his father was always selfless, and would want the best for them.

"And I know how much you like your privacy and all, so just know that your step father's house is very very huge. There's many empty rooms you could pick from, and you can always have time for yourself."

Taehyung looked down at his hands. Should he say something? No..

The boy looked up at the window and sighed. He couldn't lie, the place was wonderful. Seoul is beautiful. The tall buildings, people in suits walking across the roads, the pretty street lights. It would look even better at night wouldn't it?

It was around 5 pm, all Taehyung wanted to do was just make his mother turn back around, and go back home. Go back home to his warm fluffy sheets, jump into bed, and never come out.

Would he even make new friends at school? Is his step father even nice? When he first met his new step father, to be honest, he kind of liked the man, but kept it to himself.

"Hey kiddo! I'm your mother's lucky fiancée!"
His step father grimaced.

"We'll be off on a date Tae, keep the house clean okay?"
Taehyungs mother smiled, kissing her fiancées cheek.

Taehyung gaged. His father seemed nice, but you never know. He had too many fake faces in his life, he couldn't tell what they were hiding.

And heck, he didn't even know who his step brother even is! He doesn't know how he looks like, if he's nice, friendly, if his step brother even knows who he is himself!

"Just a few more minutes before we get there honey! I'm so excited!"
His mother giggled, almost jumping in her seat.  

'Jeez I get that your excited, just don't get us into a car crash before we can even get there.'
Taehyung thought to himself, rolling his eyes.

He loved is mother, Ofcourse, but he could barely be around her, since she was always a busy business woman, and it didn't seem like it would get any better in this city, even busier.

"Taehyung! Honey wake up! We're here!"
His mother excitedly yelled.

Taehyung opened his eyes, grimacing at the cold. He always loved cold weather, but why did it have to be so damn freezing?

"Look! That's our new house!"

Taehyung looked over. House?! Taehyungs widened. How could that be a house? It looked like a mansion! Huge and built beautifully!

"Ah hello my new son!"

Huh? New son? Oh yea. His step father.

"How are you hmm?"
His new step father smiled, ruffling Taehyungs pink hair.
"I love your hair! You should tell Seokjin to dye his hair some time!"

Seokjin? Oh right. His step brother. That's all Taehyung knew about him. That his name is kim Seokjin.

"Why don't you two come in and make yourselves at home! The moving truck isn't coming until an hour or so, so let's have dinner!"
His step father smiled widely.

"Yes! As a family!"

"As a family!"
His father cheered with his mother.

Huh... maybe his father is a nice and friendly person.. but now it was time to meet his step brother. Hopefully his step brother was chill, and at least nice enough to show him around his new school next week right?

"Come on honey! Time to go in!"
His mother latched her hand around Taehyungs, gently squeezing it.
"I know your nervous, but this will all be amazing, okay?"

Taehyung just nodded, even though he felt like he could burst.

Time to go in.

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