The Hospital

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A/N~ I'm kinda proud because today I drew the image of Bakugo and Midoryia that's attached above..😁 I haven't updated in a while but I got some motivation and let's see how this goes!

~All might POV~

It is now around 3am and no news about Young Midoryia has been presented to us. I was able to sleep for about 30 minutes but I think Inko has been up this whole time.

"Hey Inko, I'm going to get a drink. Do you want something like a coffee or water?"

"Oh, I guess I'll take a water please.." She says emotionless.


I take the elevator down a few floors to the cafeteria where the vending machine is at. To my surprise I see Young Bakugo sitting at a table all by himself. After grabbing two waters, I walk over to him and sit down.

After a long minute of silence Bakugo speaks up.
"How is he?..." he says in a monotone voice.

"He's in surgery right now and there are pros and cons. Mainly cons but I think he can get through this. He has to..." I say to him calmingly. Yet another surprise is when he leans his head against my shoulder and tears up. I understand what he is going through because we were both there when it happened.

I wrap my arms around him, tears threatening to spill from the corners of my eyes, and comfort him the best that I can.

"I can't live without him All Might, not before I apologize and talk to him again." he sobs into my chest.

I'm not usually the emotional type but there's no way I could ruin this moment by rejecting comfort. I know that he needs someone right now and I'm prepared to be that person because it could help us both in the long run. I figure that we can just sit here in silence together for the time being.


~News channel POV~

"The doctors have been performing surgery on Izuku for around 10 hours now. No sign of major improvement has happened but everyone is still hopeful.
Everybody in the world is counting on this hero to fight once more, this time for his life."

"Everyone sits at home, waiting any news that he may still be alive. We all pray for him and the other heroes hurt in battle. Many other's were wounded and some dead. This very well might've been one of the biggest battles that Musutafu has ever seen."


~Deku POV~
[A/N- DEKU?! HE'S ALIVE?! I can't tell you that yet because you will have to read and find out for yourself. Aka I still haven't decided >;)]

Everything is black. Everything hurts. I can't tell where I am and I don't feel anything around me. I can hear the faint sound of people shuffling around but I don't know who it is. I try to scream out to them but to no avail.

Everything is becoming darker and darker. Is this death? If so I want it to end fast. I have to squint my eyes as I see a bright light getting closer. The closer it gets, the warmer I feel. I try to reach out to it but my arms won't move. Just before it reaches me, I feel my eyes close.


I feel them slowly open again, and I'm sitting in a cold, plastic chair. As I look to my left I see more empty chairs and a tv. I turn my head to the right and there is my mom sleeping.
"MOM!" I yell to get her to wake up. It doesn't work? She couldn't hear me and I start to panic. I reach my arm towards her to shake her awake but it disappears into her body. I rub my eyes thinking I'm hallucinating but nothing changes.

As the news channel clicks onto the tv, I turn around to see what is going on. My eyes open wide as I see my face on the news proclaiming that I might be dead in the next few hours.
"CAN ANYONE HEAR ME!?" I scream in hopes that I'm dreaming. Almost as if on a cue, I feel my eyes close again and I drift off into nothingness.

Feeling the warmth come back to me, I open my eyes to a brightly-lit, cafeteria. In the cafeteria, sitting right next to me, is Kacchan and All Might. I look over to them and they are crying and comforting each other. Yet again when I try to reach out to them, my arm disappears into their bodies.

"KACCHAN! ALL MIGHT! IM RIGHT HERE!" I try as a last resort to get them to hear me, yet they stay, still not moving an inch. I'm so tired and in pain. I just want this all to end.

No....Maybe that's why I'm here. Because I keep saying I just want to give up. But if I'm being truthful to myself, I want to live. I want to grow old, have children, and live my life as the symbol of peace. Right as I come to that realization, all of the memories come flooding back. My fight with All for One, me going up into the air looking down on All Might and Kacchan, and passing out mid-air after the explosion.

I don't want to die like that..... I want to live. Whatever's out there, do you hear me?! I WANT TO LIVE!!


~Ink0's POV~

Not even realizing that I slipped into sleep, I am startled awake by a loud beeping noise. I know it's related to Izuku because we have the whole floor to ourselves. I hurry out of my chair and rush to the door, peeking out. About 15 nurses are rushing into the surgery room and the worst thoughts come to my head. I start hyperventilating thinking that my baby has died already.

He can't die now. He became the symbol of peace when he was only a 2nd year in highschool! Was it all for nothing?

As my tears come more forcefully, someone runs into the room. I don't know who it is but I fall into their arms crying. My vision is blurry but I can tell who it is when they start comforting me.

With the shushing and hands combing through my hair, it has to be Mitsuki Bakugo. She has always been there for me, and hearing the news of Izu, she came all the way to this hospital even though it's out of town. I figured Bakugo would come, with how much Izu would talk my ear off about Katsuki's 'new move' or 'nice things he did'.

I sat in Mitsuki's arms for a while as Katsuki and All Might came rushing into the room.
"What happened?!" Mitsuki asked hoping that they overheard something important.

"We don't know for sure but the nurses were sort of smiling when they ran into the room so we think it might be good?" All Might said explaining his theory.

I sigh out of relief and hope that what they think is true. Mitsuki hugs me tighter as we both stand up. I look up to the now grown Bakugo and smile. He breaks down and hugs me to the point where I can't breath. Me, being a mother, I hug him back and tell him that it's alright.

He goes on to explain how it was all his fault and what would happen if he got there earlier but I stopped him short. Pushing him away to look him in the eye, I tell him,
"Don't think like that. Because you were there when you were, you were able to explain what had happened and get him the proper help he needed. It was not at all your fault you understand me?.... Okay come here." I say going back into a motherly hug, hoping that I will be able to do this with my son once again.

[a/n- you should comment whether or not you think he's dead..... don't be it🥴
Also if you see any spelling errors or anything that doesn't make sense, make sure to tell me so I can fix them!]

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