The Aftermath

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A/N- aannddd we're back! Sorry it took a little bit because I had some personal stuff going on and didn't have much motivation :p ... Hopefully I can do this story justice and make it somewhere near as good as the other ones!

~3rd POV~

The paramedics rushed Deku into the hospital with Inko and All Might close behind. All of the other heroes didn't come along so it wouldn't be too crowded and so they could start repairing the city.

With news spreading fast, the city was dead silent. Everyone was either in mourning of the #1 hero, or praying that he will make it out alive.

"Nurse! I need you to start a saline drip and get him prepped for a defibrillator!" one of the ER workers says in a calm but forceful manner. In the midst of everyone preparing for a long night with the hero, a nurse ushers All Might and Inko to the waiting room while they try to revive him.

After a few minutes of Inko's quiet sobbing, All Might speaks up, "He can get through this. I know he will. I mean, he is my successor and the number one hero." he says trying to lighten the mood a little.

"You promised me that he wouldn't get hurt," Inko starts, "but I know my little Izu. I know he will push through this...... I hope so." she says the last part as more of a whisper.


A few hours go by as a doctor finally enters the waiting room. Inko jumps up out of her seat and asks, "Is he all right?! Will my boy be okay?!"
The doctor starts to explain the situation, eyes glued to his clipboard.

"Your son, Izuku Midoryia, is currently getting prepped for emergency surgery. We managed to get his vitals in a stable enough condition to be able to perform the surgery. Would you like me to read off his stats to you, or have me explain them to All Might outside of the room?"

"I don't think I could handle it... Just tell them to him outside and please, try your best to save him doctor." Inko says as she sits back down.

———————in the hallway———————

"So doctor, how is he?" All Might asks, scared of the answer.
"He isn't doing very well. From what we could see in the x-ray, almost all of his ribs are completely broken, both arms and legs have multiple fractures, he has open wounds in his abdomen, shoulders, around his neck, and he most likely has a lethal concussion. But there is good news, he luckily has no puncture in his lungs or heart and his vitals are stabilizing by the second." the doctor explains professionally.

What the doctor told him really made All Might's views go from hopeful to fearful. His successor, basically his son, is fighting for his life, and all he can do is sit and wait.

~Uraraka's POV~

Once all of us students got back to the dorms, the air felt heavy enough to suffocate someone. We sat in the main area in complete silence until Iida spoke up.

"I know our chances seem bleak at the moment, but we have to have faith in our friend! He is one of the strongest heroes we know, there's no way he will let a pesky villain decide his fate!" He says trying to lighten the mood. It didn't exactly work because all he got in response was a few acknowledging grunts and a few 'yeah's'.

Even though we all were mourning the probable loss of our close friend and classmate, we all know it hit Bakugo the hardest. The two of them were close even since preschool and they helped each other get stronger. To my surprise, Bakugo was among us sitting on the couches, but he didn't look like his usually over-confident self. His eyes were almost glassy like there were no thoughts behind them.


After about an hour of people talking here and there, and people leaving to bed, only three of us were left. Me, Bakugo, and Kirishima. I knew the two of them were close, so I wondered if Kiri would be able to help him. Since no one talked for about 3 minutes, I decided to speak up.
"I believe that he will get through this, you know." I said trying to start up a conversation.

"Me two! The dude never seemed like a quitter and always got through all of his challenges." Kirishima said realizing that I was trying to help Bakugo. Even though we were saying positive things, it just set Bakugo off.

"HE'S JUST A DAMN EXTRA! YOU GUYS WOULDN'T BE SAYING ALL THIS HOPEFUL STUFF IF YOU SAW HIM GO UP TO HIS DEATH WITH YOUR OWN EYES! I tried to save him......I really did." Bakugo yelled, letting his tears that he'd been holding back flow freely.

"Bakugo....." Kirishima says as a whisper. He puts and arm around him and Bakugo let's his head fall on his shoulder.

"Bakugo you didn't do anything wrong. It's not your fault you know? Also, he's not dead yet, he could make it out of this." I said trying to reassure him when in reality I'm just reassuring myself.

" don't understand. Even when he knew he would die, he looked down on me with a smile like I was WEAK. I bet he didn't even regret leaving us all alone." Bakugo sobs, "I treated him so horribly all throughout school, yet he still sacrificed himself for me. That damn nerd can't do anything right. If he'd just waited for me to join him I could've taken down One For All..."

"You. Stop. Right. There." I say glaring at him. "Just because you're a little bit depressed and worried for him, doesn't mean you get to dismiss all of his hard work. I know you're strong, but if he couldn't defeat One for All, neither could you. Now you need to shut your stupid trap and pray that Izu will make it out alive so you can apologize for how you acted in the past." I spit out at him, surprised at my mini burst of confidence.

Kirishima looked taken aback by my outburst but I just continued to look at Bakugo. He hung his head in defeat. I didn't know that's all it took to get him to admit defeat. I feel a small bit of pride build up in my chest for not only standing up to Bakugo, but also standing up for Izuku.

"Whatever, I'm going to bed Round Face." He says with his eyes glued to the floor.
"Thank you..." He says only loud enough for me to hear on his way out.

I say goodnight to Kirishima and head up to bed. I sigh and let myself relax into the mattress. Maybe this is a dream and I will wake up to Izuku making us all eggs and toast for breakfast. I smile to myself at the thought as I drift off to sleep.

A/N-  Geez, this was the longest chapter yet! Make sure to tell me if the story is confusing or boring at all! I really enjoy writing this and I hope it'll turn out well! ;)

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