Yuri! on Ice! -Victuuri-

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~ Victuuri ~ Angst ~
• by drarryWASlife

There he stand, looking at the night sky. The starts shining brightly, and the moon was full. It was a rare occasion, being able to see the night sky as it is tonight. Usually the lights of the cars and houses down below make it almost impossible to see even a small fraction of the stars.

He sat on the rooftop. Staring. His feet swinging on the edge, and the wind blowing through his platinum hair.

The night was cold and beautiful... but it didn't feel complete.

It felt as if something was missing. But victor had never known what it was his entire life.

He lifts his arm up to check his watch, the wind brushing his back. It was nearly time he thought to himself.

He takes one last glance at the night sky, and slowly begins to stand up. Sighing, he faces away from the edge.. the wind gently punshing him towards it.

He begins to walk towards the exit, for it was nearly time for dinner. He didn't want to keep Yuri waiting.

He walks down the stairs, and opens the door to his apartment. It seemed empty.. but he was used to it at that point.

He makes his way to the kitchen, and takes the pork cutlet bowl he had resting on the table. Yuri's favourite...

He begins to walk to the bedroom that he and Yuri share, carrying the bowl of deliciousness. Using one hand, he turns the knob on the door.

Inside, he sees his poor Yuri laying in bed...

"Hey Yuri, love, I've brought you some dinner, it's a pork cutlet bowl! You're favourite." Victor said in his best enthusiastic tone, doing his best to cheer up the one he loved.

Yuri tried to smile in return, but he couldn't. In his last ice skating competition, he had a terrible fall...

Someone from the audience had thrown something at his head, causing him to lose balance and trip in a terrible way. He hit his head on the wall. It wasn't pleasant.

But that was not the only thing wrong. Not long after the competition, the stress was getting to him. Victor never meant to, but he was pushing Yuri away, fearing that it was his fault for letting that goddam person harm his beloved.

This, unfortunately caused Yuri to believe Victor didn't love him anymore. And the stress of losing his competition, as well as  the fact that someone on purposely threw something, clearly wanting him to feel pain, really did affect his mental health.

When Yuri returned back home after his recovery, physical recovery, not to much mental recovery... his family were out on a holiday. So he had no one there for comfort..

About a week after his return, his family did come back. They were unaware to how he was feeling, sure they noticed something was a little off, and had lended him support to a certain degree...

Months went by, and his mental state just went down. It lead him to...

To jump off the building...

Off the building that victor just previously sat on.

Thankfully, people were quick to react, and there was a hospital nearby. So an ambulance was quick to arrive.

He was taken into hospital, and they did everything hey could to save him.

Victor shook his head from side to side. "No.." he mumbled. "No! You're not here! Stop! Stop haunting me!" Tears flowed down his face as he looked back up at Yuri, the thing is.. is that, that, is not Yuri.

The Yuri he was seeing was a fragment of his imagination.

It was a hallucination of what he wanted to be real...

A small smile works its way on to Yuri's face, "you need to stop, you need to move on. You need to go and live your life and stop dwelling over silly old me!" He said, a tear slipping down his face as he slowly was erased from Victors imagination.

Victor moved onto the bed, placing the pork cutlet bowl on the bedside table. "I'm not hungry.." he mumbled to himself as he slowly lifted his knees up, and cried.

He cried for hours that night.. but he was used to it. He has been for the last few months Yuri has been gone.

"I'll visit you tomorrow, Yuri. Whether that be your grave.... or in heaven"


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