My Hero Academia -BakuDeku-

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~ Bakudeku ~ Angst ~ ⚠️ suicide warning ⚠️ ~
• by drarryWASlife

All it takes is one step.

One jump.

One fall.

And life will be replaced with death. Or, what i'd call it, freedom.

I look over the railing. The sky is painted with a beautiful orange, and blended with pinks, purples and the bright yellow sun. The city looks so dull compared to the sky.

I hope that's where I go when I take this final step. When I finally escape the jail cell known as life.

Why though? Why was it that I was so affected by simple words?
Was it because I knew they were true? Or was it because I was too weak to not let the words get under my skin...literally.


All three in which were true. At least, that's what they forced into my brain. I started out strong. Simple words like these would not affect me. But time after time of being called these words, it sort of just drills into your head. And then, you find yourself believing them.


Another three words used to describe me. Although, I never understood where the 'freak' came from... I just went with it. I couldn't not go with it after all. Because, deep down, I knew that they had a reason to call me by the name.

"Take a swan dive off the roof"

The words cut so deep into my skin, I just couldn't not listen. So that is why I'm here today.

I bend down slowly, to take my shoes off. It seems like I'm stalling... maybe I don't really want to do this? No...this is what I've wanted for awhile now..

Once both shoes are off, I place them down next to each other. Making sure they are perfectly straight.

I reach into my pocket, and pull out a folded piece of paper. And I place it in one of the shoes, making sure it is visible so that it doesn't go unnoticed. I don't want people to think that I had no reason to do this. And I also want to let the people that love me (if there are any that is) know why I did what I'm about to do.

I slowly lift myself so I am sitting on the railing. My legs dangling far above the floor below.


I glance one last time at the colour-filled sky. Before whispering to no one in particular, "Goodbye." And with that, I gently pushed myself.


The air brushed through my hair.

My breathing was soft.

And I smiled.


I smiled a true, genuine smile. Something that I had not done in months...

And it felt great.

"Stop... don't go... please.."

Knowing that all my problems will have been gone.
Knowing that I will finally be free.
Knowing that death, is just a few meters away.

"Deku... I'm sorry... I should never had said what I said.."

I took in one last breath. Before the world disappears.

"I love you.. please"

Before I, disappear.


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