My Hero Academia -DabiHawks-

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~ DabiHawks ~ Angst ~ ⚠️ Violence ⚠️ ~ ⚠️ Mentions of suicide ⚠️ ~
By drarryWASlife

The smell of smoke filled the alleyway. The alley that would have been as dark as the midnight sky... if not for the blue fire emitting from him...

No... not yet... not by your hands...

Words repeated over and over in my head. It felt as if it would give me a headache if I thought these same words even one more time...

What would it even matter, if I did get a headache, that is?

The unbearable sensation of my wings burning wouldn't stop. I opened my mouth, trying to scream, trying... trying...

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make a sound. Not even a whimper.

Tears flooded my eyes, I tried to hold them back. But it was almost impossible, there were too many building up to stay within my eyes.

Tears spilled onto the concrete. And I cried in silence... in pain...

"I will never forgive you..." the voice of the man inflicting this very pain onto me.. "you took EVERYTHING from me!" He said aloud.

All I could do was stare into his eyes. His eyes were cold and filled with hatred.. although just yesterday they were filled with love and softness.

I tried to say please, to beg him. But I stopped myself before I even opened my mouth.

It's my fate after all. I deserve this...

Dabi grabbed me by the neck, blocking my main source of air. He lifted me up and held me against the wall, harshly.

"P-lease ju-ust... ki-ll mee qui-ck," I somehow got out, despite being unable to breathe, let alone talk.

Even if I did make it out alive... what would be the point? They'd... they'd just take me back to the commission.. take me back to hell, to be tested for pain tolerance... to 'fix' and 'turn into a better pro hero...' and if not that...

They'd kill me anyway. So what's the point?

Dabi dropped me. And I instinctively gasped for air. "You think I'd let you off that easily?" He said, bending down to my level. Staring right into my eyes... right into my soul. "A quick and painless won't do. Not after what you did." He lifted a finger and brushed my chin.

"Oh.. I remember now.." a smirk began to grow onto his scarred face, "that hero commission, was it? I could leave you for them.. they'd be sure to torture you."

Panicked I looked up at him, silently begging him not to do that. He knows about what hey did to me as a child. He knows everything.

And so.. he has a lot to use against me..

"Hmm.. I guess if I did that I wouldn't be able to see your pained expression, or witness my revenge.. would I now?" He announced menacingly.

He then got a fistful of my hair.. and dragged me.

Slowly black spots began to fill my eyesight.. until I fell into unconsciousness..

It was a cold winter night, snow gracefully falling from the sky outside. And a chest for me to lay my head on, inside the warmth of my apartment.

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