The End

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If you are reading this it would mostly mean that you have completed the book. Thank you all the readers who read my book and only because of you people have I gotten the motivation to complete the book. There are many people who have motivated me in this journey and they have chapters dedicated to them.

This book comes to an end with a twist. I am pretty sure you have many questions and thoughts bouncing off your head. Do not worry because I plan to produce another book in this saga.

I would like to know a few things though:

1. Who was your favourite character(s)?

2. What were the best and worst moments of the story?

3. How would you surmise the book in a line? What is its primary tone of narration?

4. What do you anticipate will happen next?


Well, there is another book planned after this though I won't be starting it any time soon. Meanwhile, I will be editing each chapter to make it more understandable and interesting while reducing errors. Thank you for reading the book. 

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