🖋️Article on Writing by @Tdhayor🖋️

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*Writing as a Passion VS writing as a profession*

Most times when people ask me what I studied and I reply them that I study Microbiology, they get surprised. "Why didn't you study English? Why don't you pursue Literature writing as a profession? Just go full time into writing."

The comments go on and on, but no one ever tells me that I can achieve both my passion and career without having to let one go. "I love writing, but my main motive isn't the money, it's the joy people get from reading my work." That is mostly what I reply to those comments.

The difference between a professional writer and a passionate writer is always clear. Yes! The gap is huge, very distinct. You can't compare the two and for some reasons, the two belong to different categories.

The question I'd like you to answer before I proceed is, "Are you a professional writer or a Passionate writer? Which produces better results, the passionate writer or the Professional writer?"

A professional writer is one who has and will exhaust all the resources within their capacity to produce a book or work that will bring in as much income as possible. These writers mostly are learned and trained in the field of writing and making money in return for it. Writing is their source of livelihood, their source of income. Professional writers are based on writing marketable works, they have no business with the readers feelings or standards, So far it sells.

Opportunities, current market value, topics or books in demands, trend, etc are a few factors that influences the professional writing. Every professional writer wants to stay abreast of the latest writing style, topics, words in use, so they tend to read and research more before or during  a writing project. Researches, consultations and several interviews are always held too, you just have to be sure you are doing things RIGHT.

What is the difference between doing things to please people and doing things to please or express yourself? Passion! Yes ooo, your passion can make you care less about what every other person is doing and care more about what you really want to do.

A Passionate writer is one who pushes aside all  that has to do with a standard writing and write it as they feel. Who knows this line from a popular Nigerian hip hop song, "...as e do you write am down," That is exactly what a passionate writer does, write exactly how they feel the characters or the words in their head.

Little or no research is needed by a Passionate writer to accomplish their works. This doesn't mean that their work is always below standards or boring to read. A Passionate writer puts the readers feelings of excitement and interests at the back of their minds while writing. They thrive so the reader can relate with what they've put down and can feel the pain, pleasure, excitement, anger, thrill or any other feelings in each words. The money comes later. That's why most Passionate writers post their works for free reading. Now I said most because a few passionate writers pursue their dream professionally and want to make a career of it, hence becoming seasoned professional in the field of writing. Passionate writers write whenever they feel like writing or whenever the inspiration comes, they aren't forced or pressured as the professional writers.

You know what is the sweetest? Becoming a Professional of your Passion. When you pursue your passion and make a profession of it, it makes you outstanding. A lot of award winning writers didn't learn the act of writing in institutions like most professional writers, they are passionate writers who decided to take their skills to the next level by polishing it in institutions.

Chimamanda is an example I know, who do you know?

Writer's block is similar to both writers but can put a lot more pressure on the professional writer than the passionate writer.

The beauty of writing is including events, feelings, environment people can relate with.
Is it only me or is there any other person that can relate perfectly with the feelings behind every of John Grisham's works?
Who has read Dead in bed by Simms on wattpad?? Now that is a Passionate writer, he's currently making money from the work but that wasn't the main objective. I've read that book three times and still on the fourth round.

The beauty of a professional writing is that the work is always standard, more accurate with less typo errors. They are meticulous about their works and try as much as possible to bring it to near perfection. Passionate writers don't want to research, they are too lazy when it comes to this area. They want to flow with the ideas in their head and want the reader to pretend to understand. It won't work that way, Nah! Not if you want to break records with your work!

Can being a Professional passionate writer distract a writer from their original passion?

I actually want to give shout outs to passionate writers I have come across on this platform but I won't want to be partial.

At the same time I want to acknowledge every Professional writers on this platform who am sure are passionate about their writing.

I'd like to leave us with this; Whatever your hands finds doing, do it perfectly.

*Tdhayor* ✌🏻✍🏽📝


Tdhayor is the wonderful author of Caved. Check out her profile, make sure to leave one or two comments on what she's impacted on us. Positive feedback would encourage her to reveal more outstanding insights like this. I hope you now know the difference between passionate and professional writer

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