💫Exclusive interview with Lovetori_xo 💫

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Hello guys, its your girl again, Queen Hera with the Tiara HeraScribbles welcome to another amazing episode  of Our Exclusive Interviews with Wattpad Authors and on this month edition, we decided to interview two different people and I present to you the second person, lovetori_xo

Tori, can you please give us your real name?

My full name is Victoria Nneka Ndukwe😊

So let's get started

What inspired you to start writing?

It's always really been something very fun to me. A stress reliever. I literally just started writing😂

How long have you been writing?

This question is making me think..cause it's been sooo long. Well, I started writing at a very young age so it's hard to say. The first book I ever wrote was in nursery 3, so I should have been 5 or 6, I don't know. It was barely 10 pages😂. I still remember the book plot and everything lol..was quite creative for a kid but the writing was just so rushed and cringey and all lolll.But..that was where the love for writing started initially. I originally wrote on mystical stuff and all..cause I was really interested in all that as a child. And I was also soo obsessed with American dragon. However, around late primary school, I progressed to Teen Fiction first, then other genres fell in afterwards.

When did you start writing?

Nursery 3. Yeah, I wrote my first book in Nursery 3. That ten page book meant so much to me.
It was filled with a lot of drawings too lol
I think that's what took most of the space of the book lol

What advice would you give a new writer, someone just starting out?

I'd tell them to keep writing no matter what.

Never let anyone bring you down. No writer in this world woke up and was good at it. When I read my old books, I cringe and have goosebumps at how bad they were. But do not let anyone make you feel your work isn't good enough. There's always room to be better if you let yourself keep practicing and learning. I still believe I'm not a perfect writer and I still have a lot to work on myself and everyone, new or old, good or bad, should always have that mindset❤️

How do you handle writer’s block?

To be honest, I've ever only experienced Writer's block only once in my life...

That was when I sort of fell into depression and then came out of it, writing because so difficult.

And when we talk of writers block, people often confuse it with when you're probably writing a book and suddenly, you're stuck and you don't know what next should happen.

That's not writers block. I feel writers block is generally when a writer just can't think of new works. It's like their mind is frozen and they can't be creative anymore. In this case, my advice is... don't push it. Start by writing on old ideas you still remember that you never penned down and once you get into the flow, with time, your excitement and love for writing will come back and then, new ideas will start to flood in. Works like magic. Worked for me. Can work for you❤️

But...in the case of "getting stuck at a point in your book"
I feel you should preplan virtually all scenes of your book, or atleast the major scenes (from start to finish..cause as you write, more ideas will pop up) But plan the major scenes of the beginning and the middle and the end before you start a book. With time, possible ideas for the other scenes that eventually lead up to these major scenes will be coming in. You can never get stuck because you know exactly where the book is going.

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