The day I'll never forget @Lizz_betty

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The day I'll never forget

Have you ever felt dread replace the blood in your body and just fill you up?

It was a normal day, really sunny to the point it was uncomfortable but normal nonetheless. I was really young, at that age when your mom still takes you to parties to mingle with the children of her friends and stuff like that. I was supposed to be excited, because come on it was Ezekiel's birthday, but I wasn't. Why?

Because I felt it. We are not in love and definitely not soulmates, but just friends with an incredible bond and connection.

What I felt wasn't new, it was so common that though I noticed it, I won't care, if I didn't give a fuck about you. No glares no harsh insulting words but I could feel it, behind every laugh, sentence and talk with him. It was there, nagging me that I knew I'd call him out on it, even if it was his birthday.

But after that day, I never got bothered and could hardly tell whenever there was a tension involving me, or if I bothered someone. I don't care how it makes me look. I don't want to know from the start so I don't regret how I never knew.

I let him dance, cut his cake and he'd throw a smile my way but I still felt it. Was I being paranoid? I was going to find out. The aroma of different foods were everywhere.

We went to the kid pool of the mansion. They were really wealthy people.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked now in a swimsuit, leg in water, just like him. Kids were swimming, the adults were chatting, talking eating, dancing. It was so amazing you wouldn't believe it was for just him.

"No why?" He smiled and I read the lie on his face. I've been told I read people too much without knowing or seeing them.

"Don't lie to me." Silence "Please tell me." I whispered in a plea.
"Are you mad at me?" No answer just a slight turn of his head and I knew yes, I did do something wrong.

He took a deep breath opened his mouth then a gunshot resonated, then another one. There was a second shock of silence before screams erupted and people ran about the place holding their loved ones. It was hard to move in the chaos but we ran to the house through the back.

Our breaths were rapid and whenever I get scared, I get angry at whatever that's threatening my security. He on the other hand was calm.

"I saw them…" we heard, and the door was thrown open. We were about to run when a gunshot rang and Zeke fell to the floor. I stopped as sweat crawled down my cold skin. I crouched beside him and held him as he clutched his leg sobbing. I was yanked away and I fought and struggled.

He was pulled into a painful standing position by another man and I loathed the fact that his face was a painting of pain and fear, through his struggle.

"Leave her alone." But he was worried about me.

I elbowed the man and since I was small well, he crouched in pain. I ran to the other one but he pushed me to the ground. The man put the gun to his head as people immediately filled the house and that's when I heard the last gunshot, amidst the gasps and shouts.

Our eyes were locked the entire time. I felt a sprinkle of something wet on my face and all I saw was red flowing towards me. A high pitched scream, left me and it continued, I felt mad immediately then I blacked out

I would never forget this day, but I can't remember how I left it. But a motive to get to the bottom woke with me.

I regretted everything that happened, and how we never mended. I couldn't change anything.

And I was eaten up at the fact I.....would never know what I did wrong.

WATT9JA Magazine | Oct 2020Where stories live. Discover now