Chapter 4 - Secrets

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I'm posting early because I was excited for this chapter. I'll still post on Thursdays, but might post chapters early sometimes

Chapter 4

You woke up with your face dug into Bucky's chest. You looked up at his adorable sleeping face. He looked so peaceful. "Good morning" he said opening his eyes and yawning. "Good morning" you replied. "You want breakfast?". "Only if I get to make it" he says with a smile. "Fine, but I get to help"

You and Bucky make pancakes and eggs together, making a huge mess in the kitchen. You and Bucky are cracking jokes and laughing till your stomachs hurt, and you almost burn the eggs because you're so distracted.

Suddenly Buckys face turns serious. "What?" you ask as he just stares at you. He gently grabs your jaw, brushing his thumb over your cheek. "I've wanted to do that for a long time". You blush looking down at your feet. "Then why did you never talk to me?". "Because I see the way you look at Natasha". Your face went from a smile to a shocked face. You hadn't told anyone about how you felt about Nat, and you tried to push it down in your mind so Wanda would find out when in your head,

"What do you mean? Nats just my friend" you say nervously. "It's obvious y/n, but it doesn't matter". You stayed silent and hugged him. There was no getting out of this and you'd rather forget it than keep talking about it.

You and Bucky continued to eat breakfast in silence. The room felt awkward now, as if neither of you could speak.

After breakfast, you go take a shower and get ready to go to the beach to relax a little bit. Bucky finding out about your secret Nat crush had you overthinking and overstressed. You took a Xanax and ordered an Uber.

The whole ride to Manhatten beach, Bucky was constantly texting you.

Bucky: y/n where'd you go

Bucky: im sorry. I didnt mean to embarrass you

Bucky: y/n please answer. Im worried.

You decided to put your phone on silent until you left the beach. The Uber dropped you off as close as he could and you walked up to the water. Sitting down with the waves slightly hitting you felt relaxing, and you drifted off in your own head to another reality. A reality where you weren't an ex-assassin. A reality where Bucky didn't know about Nat. A reality where you knew who your blood family was. It was a perfect reality.

You were brought back to present day by the sound of seagulls screeching next to you. The sun had gone down and you didn't even realize it. You check your phone and you had 15 missed calls and 76 texts from bucky. You decided to just text him letting him know you were ok.

Y/N: Sorry Bucky. I went to the beach and turned my phone off. Im on my way back to the tower right now

Bucky: Y/N you scared me so badly. I thought someone had hurt you

Y/N: You forget im also a super soldier? I can handle myself

Bucky: I know but you still broke your leg and I just thought you were a little weak

It irritated you that Bucky acted like your 'protector'. You were a grown woman who has been on your own since the day you turned 18, and a broken leg wasn't going to keep you from fending for yourself.

As soon as you got home you tried to sneak to your room before Bucky tried to embarrass you again. "Y/N?". "Shit Bucky! What the fuck are you doing in the dark?" you said. "I was waiting for you to make sure you were ACTUALLY ok" he replied. "I don't want to talk about it" you said. "I'm sorry. I didnt mean to embarrass you. Like I said, I don't care if you have feelings for Natasha. Shes on a mission right now, and were the only people here" Bucky said. "I know, but I'm still trying to figure out how I feel too and I would rather know fully how I feel before I start something with you" you said as tears began to form in your eyes.

You went to your room before Bucky could respond, and fell asleep.

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