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Thanks to @Sorrynotsorry29 for this ship. Fluffy Saragon coming your way peoples.

Jane's POV:

I'm sat cuddling into Cath when I hear a shout from about 3 floors up.

"Jane!! Where are my pink sparkly trainers? I can't find them."

I sigh. I was really very comfy snuggling in to the warmth that was Cath. "In the shoe cupboard." I call back. Then I hear a laugh that can only come from one person. "ANNE BOLEYN!!! What have you done with Kitty's shoes?" 

Anne pops her head through the doorway. "Nothing." She says with the mischievous smile on her face that can only mean one thing: she's taken them and doesn't intend to give them back.

"Anne give them back or else you are on washing-up duties for the rest of the week." I am a little fed up of Anne's pranks, but I can put up with them for the sake of her. I love her and KitKat like they were my own.

"I'll give them back."

"Good girl."

"If you kiss Aragon." Cath jumps up at this and immediately tells Annie "Go and get the shoes and we will." Annie obviously charges out the room and (very chaotically) goes to get Kitty's shoes. All the while yelling " Jane and Aragon are going to make out!" at the top of her lungs. She comes back down in a record time of 43 seconds. I've never seen her run so fast. When she is back down, so are the rest of the gremlin gang ( Kat and Anna). 

I turn to Cath. In truth we don't do this enough, but the rest of them don't know that. So we kiss. It's the best kiss yet, soft, sweet, yet passionate and long. When we break apart, I am breathless and the gang are disgusted. "Jane, me and Anne are heading out to the sports centre. Anne needs some practice on her heelies."Kitty says. I agree with this, recently everything in the house has fallen over at some point or another because Anne has crashed into it. I definitely shouldn't have got her them, but the thought of the forfeit, as Anne likes to call them, was enough to convince me. " OK. But Anne look after Kit and don't let her out of your sight."

"I'll join you guys there. I need to have a workout, and it will be entertaining to see you fail Anne." 

"Oy, Anna. I'd like to see you have a go."

"I'll take you up on that."

Cathy appears in the doorway. "I'm going to my office to work on my book. See you"

The clatter of the girls heading out the door and yelling bye was soon gone.

"It's just you and me then." Cath says. "What do you wanna do?"

"Snuggles and films?" I suggest.

"Great. Hamilton ok?" Cath asks. I nod. 

We press play. I snuggle into Cath, somehow ending up lying in her lap with her playing with her hair. She loves playing with my hair, so I let her. It also helps me relax. At the end of the film she whispers "I love you" 

"I love you to" I reply. These are the truest words I ever said. She picks me up and kisses me gently, her kisses are the best. I fall to sleep in her arms only waking up when the gremlin gang clatter into the hallway. Anne yelling "Jane what's for dinner?" And Kit yelling over her "Anne nearly ran over me! I swear."

I sigh and get back to the reality of a mum figure, in a house with 3 loud and chaotic teenagers.

Hope you liked it. Please let me know if it wasn't fluffy enough. I kinda got caught up with the Gremlin Gang.

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