Vicki's in hospital yet again

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This was suggested by @six_collette so thanks very much for that suggestion. Anyway I have a lot of experience with hospitals, so expect random details about British hospitals.

Collette's POV:

I was on as Aragon tonight, and my lovely girlfriend Vicki was on as Parr. I love her as Howard, but any way. Courtney and Shaks were also on as Boleyn and Cleves. It had been a great show, apart from Shaks tripping over the step during Get down. We were partying away during Megasix, when I saw, almost in slow motion, Vicki slipping on the confetti. She fell, I heard a huge crack as she went, and she screamed. The band stopped playing. I ran over to her, and saw her leg, and it wasn't in the right place that was for sure. Aimie ran off, grabbed her phone and called an ambulance. She ran back on stage with our physios who took one look at Vicki's leg and just said, "We cant do anything, she'll need an ambulance." they picked her up and carried her off the stage. I followed behind them, crying my eyes out. Courtney was comforting me, though I could see tears in her eyes as well. I turned to her, and gave her a hug. she broke down crying, we sobbed into each others shoulders. 

I ask Aimie, while sobbing, what happened? "She slipped on confetti." Aimie said. I giggled. How very Vicki.

*2 and a half hours later*

The ambulance still isn't here. Gen has arrived to pick Aimie up, and we know we're late if Gen picks Aimie up. I turn to Genesis, "can you drive me and Vicki to the hospital, please. The ambulance still isn't here." She nods.
Somehow we (me, Genesis, and our physios) got Vicki into Gene's car. I got in the front seat, and Gen got in the driver's seat. Aimie layed in the boot so she could come too.
It took about 20 minutes to get there, but it was quicker than an ambulance. Me, Aimie, and Genesis got out the car. Aimie ran inside A and E, to get the doctors.

Aimie's POV:

I ran in to the hospital, and went to the desk. They asked name, age, what had happened, and where. I told them quickly, then lead them out to the car. Genesis was there with Collette and Vicki. I felt so bad for Collette, she was so upset. I mean I was shocked, but this is Vicki we're talking about. She's so clumsy, even clumsier than me and Gribby put together, and that is saying something.
I remember Gribby. Once Vicki's safely inside, I take my phone out in the waiting room,and quickly call Gribby. He picks up,

Gribby: hey Aimie, are you and Gen ok? You aren't back
Aimie: Yeah. We're ok. Vicki slipped on confetti during megasix, and we are pretty sure she has broken it. The ambulance still hadn't arrived after 2 and a half hours, so Gen took them to the hospital in her car.
Gribby: oh, ok. How is Vicki?
Aimie: I don't know, they've literally just taken her in.
Gribby: let me know how things are. Do you know when you'll be back?
Aimie: no. Hospitals take forever in emergency department. I mean it was serious, so they got her in straight away, but because it was serious, she'll probably be in here a while. I'll let you know when we are leaving the hospital.
Gribby: ok, see you later. Don't give your self a reason to end up in A and E with her.
Aimie: I won't, bye
Gribby: bye

I put the phone down. I look up, "any news?" I ask. Collette shakes her head. Genesis wraps her arm round me, and I lean in to it. If I'm honest, what happened has only just sunk in, I was so caught up with, ambulances, getting Vicki here etc, that I didn't have time to take it all in. I look around me, and there are so many teenage girls here. I quickly pop to the loo, take my hair out, and put it under a cap. It won't really help, though. I'm in my K.Howard costume still. Collette's still in her costume, as I know Vicki is as well. I just realised how weird we  must look. I text Genesis.

Aims: can u quickly go home and get me some jeans, and a t shirt + hoodie Pls

Genesis replies quickly

Gen: yeah, course babes,

I reply

Aims: can u get some for Collette, we are about the same height/shape, so she should fit in some of my stuff

Genesis replies with a thumbs up emoji.  I come out of the bathroom, and go back to the waiting area. "Thanks babes." I whisper
"No problem. I'll get you some make up remover as well." I remember the make up that I'm still wearing. "Oh yeah, thanks. And how is Collette?"
"She's holding up better than I thought she would, but that's just on the outside." Genesis says. I hug her quickly. Genesis goes out to the car and drives off. I head over to where Collette is sitting and sit down. "How are you I whisper

Collette's POV:

I don't tell Aimie how I am truly feeling. I honestly feel like I am the reason she has broken her leg, if I had caught her she wouldn't be here. I feel like my whole world is collapsing around me, but I don't tell Aimie that, instead I say, "I feel upset and worried, but Vicki will get through it, she is strong."

Thanks for reading this. I'm going to have to do a part 2 or it will be too long.
Thanks again to six_collette for the idea

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