White Roses 🔥

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Chapter 23
Your pov:
I got out of the Great Hall with Draco while people were still looking at us . I felt Draco's hand hold mine as we walked. Heads were turning to look at us .

Y/n: Draco were are you taking me? And why did you want me to follow you.

Draco: Well at first I had prepare a whole plan for you to forgive me but you already did... but I am going  to give you a gift anyway..

Y/n: Come on you don't have to!!

Draco: I want to.

He stopped to kiss me and I noticed all the judmental look we were getting.

Y/n: What!? We are just kissing!
Haven't you people seen two person kissing before?? Move along!

Draco started laughing while people quickly looked away.

Draco: You are so cute when you are mad, bloody hell you are hot.

Y/n: Stop it you know I will blush if you compliment me!

Draco: Yeah but you are also cute when you blush, he smirked.

Draco: Now come with me .


We walked until we arrived in front of the wall were the room of requirements was hiding.

Y/n: Why are we at the room of requirements?

Draco: So it took me at least an hour having the right mind set for the room to change like I wanted it but I finally got the result I was waiting for.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Draco: Close your eyes.

I closed my eyes as Draco guided me inside the room. When I opened my eyes I saw a beautiful garden with whites roses everywhere. At the end of the garden was a apple tree with green apples in it and a swing coming down from a branch. Birds and butterflies were flying around the room.

Y/n: Draco.. i..I .. woww. How did you do it?! And how did you know white roses were my favorites?!

Draco: Well... I informed myself and it took a part of my day but it was worth being sure you forgave me..Do you like it?

Y/n: Like it!?

I basically jumped in his arms.

Y/n: Draco I love it.

Draco:Well I'm glad!

Y/n: Who knew Draco Malfoy had a soft side?

Draco: What? I don't?!

Y/n:Yes you do.. but I like it.

Draco: Oh yeah!!? Why don't I show you my rough side?!??

Y/n: Ummh that sounds like fun.

Draco:Trust me. It will be.
Draco's pov:
Me and y/n were laying under the tree after..well.. hum.. our little fun and I looked down at her green eyes.

Y/n: Ok.. I admit, that was rough...

Draco: See told you I didn't have « a soft side » .

Y/n: Just because you are able to be rough doesn't mean you can't be soft to.

Draco: Yeah yeah I guess...

Y/n: Come on now we better get back to the others.

Draco: Fine...

We both got up ready to leave and I kissed her .

Draco: Go ahead I'll see you tomorrow.

Y/n: Tomorrow?

Draco:Yeah well it's past bed time..

Y/n: What?! Wait how long have we been in here?!?

Draco:Hum well about 4 hours I think...

Y/n: Holy sh... sorry.

Y/n: Ok see you tomorrow.

I watched her leave with that feeling of hapiness inside me knowing she was mine.
Your pov:
It was the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep so I got up and decided to leave my dorm. I didn't know were to go until I decided to go to the slytherin common room to see Draco.
It was risky but I could do it.
I got to the empty corridor in front of the Gryffindor common room and continued walking in silence hopping no one was here. When I finally arrived to in front of the Slytherin common room I realized I didn't remember the password even though Draco had tell me earlier. I stood there alone for 5 minutes before remembering. When I entered the room it was completely silent and dark. I was sure no one was there so I let out a slight sight of release. Before I had realized my mistake someone got up from one of the couch.

Blaise: What the bloody hell are you doing here!!??

Y/n: Shhhhh! I am here to see..hum...

Blaise: Did you come here for me,he smirked.

Y/n: I hum.. no.. but

Blaise: It's fine, I know you are here for Draco.

Y/n: Oh.. okay well I will be going to meet him then...

Blaise: Wait! How did you get in?

Y/n: Draco told me the password so I could meet him here when I want to...

Blaise:That's brilliant!

Y/n: Why are you sleeping on the couch?

Blaise: Goyle won't stop snoring and I am a very light sleeper. To be honest I still don't know how Draco manages to sleep..

Y/n: Well he won't be sleeping for long...

I left Blaise downstairs not wanting the conversation to go further. I looked around to found Draco's dorm. After entering the third dorm room it finally was Draco's. I walked as quietly as I could to his bed before getting him with him. I put my hand under his shirt and on his chest making him jumped.

Y/n: Shhh baby it's me.

Draco: Y/n?? What are you doing here it's the middle of the night!

Y/n: I couldn't sleep and I was bored so I decided to come see you.

Draco: You're crazy!

Y/n: Am I now?

I continued playing on his chest but got lower on his thighs.

Draco: You can't do that here, Goyle and Crabbe are sleeping right there!

Y/n: Since when don't you want to play?

Draco: Don't get me wrong I do it's just..

He turned around to face me.

Y/n: We'll just have to be quiet..

Draco: Y/n......

Y/n: Come on baby.

Even though the room was completely filled by darkness I could still see the excitement sparks in Draco's eyes.

Draco: Well... if you use the magic word... but promise me you'll keep it down!

Y/n: I'm not that loud....

Draco: You really are.

A/n: I am soooo sorry for how long it took me to update I am already working on the next chapter and it will be more intense. Also, thank you so much for the comments and votes it means so much to me I love reading them.:)

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