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Chapter 50!

Your pov:

I pulled away from the kiss to look at the man standing in front of me. I found myself lost in his silver eyes, my mind wandered at the sight of those pink lips and my heart jumped looking at all of his pale features. He caught my stare and gave me a confuse one back.

Draco: What...

Y/n: Why don't we just skip school for today? I mean it's not like we would actually learn something from Umb*tch anyway and it's Friday so we know the teachers won't be giving us to much work.

Draco: Sounds like a plan to me, what do you want to do?

I took a moment to study our possibilities before looking back at him with a grin.

Y/n: Ok so I was thinking that I take you to the muggle world for the day and...

Draco frowned at the word ''muggle'' but I continued talking knowing the next part of my plan would excite him.

Y/n: Anddd, tonight we throw a big party here!!

Draco smirked.

Draco: Here, in the room of requierments?

Y/n: Yes!

Almost like the room was trying to help, a table with paper and a quill appeared.

Y/n: We can do four different invitation and go put it in each common room while people are in class.

Draco: And how will you manage to enter the ravenclaw and hufflepuff common room?

Y/n: You seen to forget I have friends everywhere.

I sat at the desk and we started writing the invitation.


After 30 minutes the letters were done.

''(house name) student,  We all know how hard school has been recently with that Umb*tch toad here and so we are throwing a party where every each one of you are invited. Room of requierments 10 pm, alcohol and anything else will be provided by the room itself. To enter you need to think this sentence twice '' Je jure solennellement que mes intentions sont mauvaises'' (it's french by the way). With the pleasure to see you there.


P.S.: There's a spell on the letter so if any of you try to snitch the party well your face will be, lets say, unrecognizable.''

Y/n: Looks great, now let's go put it in the common rooms.

We got out of the room and made our way to the Gryffindor's room. After putting the invitation where everyone could see we did the same with the Slytherin and Hufflepuff's dorm. We arrived in front of the Ravenclaw door and the bronze eagle knocker asked us a riddle.

'' I can fly but I have not wings. I can cry but I have no eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?''

Draco: Bloody hell do the ravenclaws really have to go through this sh*t everytime they want to enter?

Y/n: Shush Draco I'm thinking.

It had been only 3 minutes when I found it.

Y/n: I know! The answer is a cloud!

'' Very well'' the knocker said.

We both entered and placed the letter before getting out.

Draco: It took you more time guessing the bloody riddle than to actually put the letter; he teased.

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