The Dark Lord 🔥🔥

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Small signs of depression, mention of suicide
Chapter 41
Your pov:
I felt better, not a lot but still. Draco had manage to find many ways to keep me busy so I wouldn't let my mind get back to those dark thoughts. In the last 3 days we've been swimming, we played quidditch and we watched the stars. It all felt amazing but every time I was alone I wondered what life was like for the others out there. Draco tried keeping me out all of this so I had not a single idea of what was actually going on.

Draco was chasing me around the house while I was laughing my ass out trying to escape from him.

Y/n: You're to slow you slugg.

Draco:Oh yeah? Wait until I catch you you'll get punish real hard for that.

I immediately blushed and my heart started beating faster in my chest. I arrived at the end of the corridor. There was no issue, I stood there knowing it meant Draco would catch me until I noticed a small door.

Draco:You can't go anywhere now darling.

Y/n:You sure about that dummy?

I grabbed the door ready to open it.

Draco:Y/n don't!

Y/n:You're only saying that 'cause it means I will escape you again.

I entered the room laughing and stopped abruptly when I noticed many figure staring at me.
It was a meating. The deatheathers stared at me in confusion while Draco quickly entered and took my arm.

Draco:Why can't you ever listen to me; he sighed.


I lead me towards the door when a cold voice stopped us.
« hold on a minute now Draco »
Draco looked scared and I understood why when I turned around to face the man who had spoke. It was him, « The Dark Lord » as his followers called him.

Voldemort: Not going to introduce me to your girlfriend?

Some deatheathers laughed quietly.


Voldemort got up from is seat and started walking to us. I noticed a enormous snake following close behind and I couldn't help myself from thinking it was cute. 'What the hell is wrong with me' I thought.
He was now only centimeters apart from us as he slowly lifted my chin.
I felt Draco freeze next to me.

Voldemort:And who might you be.

Draco started to introduce me but was quickly cut off by Voldemort.

Voldemort:Tsk tsk, I'm sure she has a tongue now Draco.

I took Draco's hand in mine to reassure him.

Y/n:I'm Y/n, Y/n Blake.

Voldemort took a sniff down my neck which left me with disgust and fear.

Voldemort:Ahhh a Blake, I know your parents very well, shame they couldn't join us tonight.You have good taste Draco. She seems to have some potential to, maybe she could be of use for my army..I am sure your parents would be proud, and it would be sad waisting such pure blood.

I stood still as my anger grew inside of me from what he had just affirm. ' So they really were on his side..'

Y/n:I'd rather not.

I heard some gasp from the table and felt Draco's hang tighten his grip on mine.

Voldemort:Fiesty one.It's a shame, such a shame; he said looking at me one last time.

He turned to Draco.

Voldemort: You should both leave before she gives me more reason to kill her.

We were gone before I had even processed what happened.
Draco took me to his room before looking at me in anger. He was furious.

Draco:WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! You could have got yourself killed!!

I rolled my eyes before staring into his.

Y/n:I will not be dictated what to do by a murderer! Besides I don't really care anyways.

The anger left his face who now showed how worried he was.

Draco:Don't say that!

Y/n:Say what? That I don't care if I die? I don't, I really don't Draco.

Draco:Well I do..I wouldn't be able to live without you.

I blushed as tears ran down my now red cheeks.

Y/n:Draco I..

Draco:Don't say anything just promise me you won't do that again.

He held my tight against him.



Y/n:Fine I won't.

Draco:Good, now you should really learn how to listen to me, none of that would have happened if you would have stayed outside the door like I asked you.

Y/n:Pff, I do as I please and you know you love it.

I winked at him.

Draco:Yeah right, now where were we, oh yeah I was about to teach you a lesson.

He pushed me roughly against the bed and leaned closer to whisper in my ear, nibbling on it at the same time.

Draco:Maybe this will teach you how to behave.

Y/n:I'd doubt that but you can still try.

Draco:Oh I'm going to do way more than try, I'll succeed; he said looking in my green eyes.

I could see the hunger in his blue eyes as mine grew inside of me.
I took my skirt off but he stopped me before I could do the same with my panties.

Draco:Allow me sweetheart.

He slowly made them fall down my legs with his mouth.
I felt my inner thighs get wet.
Draco slid one of his finger down my soaked heat.

Draco:So wet. All for me.

His finger entered again more furiously as I arched my back in pleasure.

Y/n:More; I moaned.

Draco:Beg for it.

Y/n:More Draco, please!

Draco:That's a good girl.

He slid two more fingers inside me. The impact was so overwhelming I thought I was going to cum at the instant. He pumped in and out faster than I could ever do by myself.

Draco:You like that don't you.

Y/n:Yes..; I shyly let out.

Draco:Say it louder for daddy.

Y/n:Yes; I screamed as his fingers curled inside me hitting my G-spot.

I felt my walls tighten and suddenly the feeling stopped.
I opened my eyes to see Draco smirking while licking his fingers.

Y/n:Draco!what the hell is wrong with you?!

Draco:Next time you'll listen to me won't you babygirl.
Word count :1K
A/n: Please comment I love reading them hope you like this chapter. I can't believe we have actually hit 12K it's insane!!

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