Chapter 1: "Darkness Shall Rise"

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      A few days had gone by since the Great Devourer's defeat, and the Ninja had been pitching in to help rebuild the city. It was harder than they had originally planned for. This was mainly because, since Garmadon had disappeared with their Golden Weapons, their Elemental Powers had seemed to have vanished. Still, with the help of (Y/n)'s persistence, they pushed on and made sure to do their part. Jay, Cole, and Zane were putting a street sign back into place.
       "Ugh, finally. All fixed up and Serpentine free." Cole said as he and the other two held the street sign in place. "Um, I'm right here!" (Y/n) said, playfully glaring at the black ninja. Kai tried to summon some fire to weld the sign into place, but unfortunately, was unable to. "How many times are you going to try that? It's obvious that it won't work." (Y/n) commented, throwing some trash she had collected away.
      "Ugh, this is frustrating." Kai groaned as the street sign began to slip, causing the other boys to let out cries of shock as they tried to hold it up. (Y/n) noticed their struggle and quickly rushed over to help them hold it up. Kai, however, continued to complain. "Our Golden Weapons are gone and most of our Elemental Powers are gone. I mean, we can still do Spinjitzu, but...." He stopped talking to try and use his powers again. Again, nothing happened. "Our powers may be gone, but we don't need them to fix the city." (Y/n) commented, as Zane brought out a blowtorch and welded the sign in place. Kai let out a sigh. "I know, but I just feel so, I don't know, limited. And thanks to the Devourer, our Tank's out of commission, our Dragons' are hurt, and now that the Bounty is destroyed, we don't even have a place to sleep!" Kai complained as Zane finished welding the sign together. Cole, Jay, and (Y/n) let go of the sign. (Y/n) looked at it and shook it a little, making sure it was sturdy, before turning to Kai.
      "No one ever said being a hero is easy." She commented, putting a hand on Kai's shoulder. Zane nodded. "(N/n) is right. Though our good deeds may never make us rich, they make us rich in other ways." He stated, making Kai roll his eyes and shove (Y/n)'s hand off his shoulder. "Yeah, well, I don't feel rich." He muttered, making (Y/n) roll her eyes and smack the back of his head. Jay picked up a broken TV and walked to a trash can.
      "Ugh. I for one am glad (N/n) insisted we pitch in. I rather enjoy it. I've always wanted to feel part of a community." He said, dusting his hands from the dust that had collected, before looking around. "Uh, speaking of which, anyone seen Nya? She said she was gonna help." He stated, confused as to where the girl had gone. Right after she said Nya had arrived on a motorbike, with Sensei Wu in a passenger seat attached to it. "And I have. I may have found us a place to live." She said, shocking the team.
      "Really?" Jay asked, not fully believing her, but at the same time, excited. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow and looked at her best friend. "But there's a waiting list a mile long to live in Ninjago City." She commented, making Jay nod. "Yeah! How did you do that?" He asked. Nya smirked. "I know a guy, who knows a girl, and she knows this girl who knows a guy. Well, this guy knows a girl who's a real estate agent and she can help you find a place if you catch my drift." She replied, handing a pamphlet to (Y/n) with a wink.
      "And where are you off to?" Jay asked, leaning over (Y/n)'s shoulder. "We have to find a couple of components to fix the Ninja tank. And my dragon ointment has finally arrived. It's a day's trip, but once we get back, they'll both be flying again. Also, I love scenic drives. Haha, punch it, Nya!" Wu stated, making Nya smile. "Ay ay, Sensei." She commented, driving off, as Wu let out a "Yee-haw!".
      After watching them drive off, (Y/n) read the pamphlet Nya gave her. "'Patty Keys, Real Estate Queen.' Huh, this is exactly what we need. Once we get a roof over our head, we can start properly training Lloyd." She said with a smile. "Good, 'cause if we know Lord Garmadon, he's not going to be taking any breaks. And let's not forget, the Serpentine is still at large." Cole commented. (Y/n) sighed. "The two halves of my family that I really don't wanna deal with right now. Let's just go see about this Real Estate lady." She said, walking towards an address, the boys following right behind her.
      Near the destroyed Destiny's Bounty, Scales was trying to get the title of Serpentine King. "Serpentine, we've been exiled for the last time. Fear not, I will lead you!" He stated, but the Serpentine didn't like this idea. "Lead us? To where? The City of Ouroboros has been destroyed. We have no home." A Hypnobrai soldier said. "You want to lead us so badly, why should we trusssst you?" Questioned a Fangpyre. "Because I was the one who told you in the first place not to awaken the Devourer. But no, you listened to Pythor." Scales stated, slightly annoyed. The others began to agree with him when suddenly a voice spoke up from behind them. "You want a home... I'll give you a home." It said. The bunch of snakes looked behind them to see that Lord Garmadon had arrived. "Lord Garmadon!" Scales said in shock.
      "Forgive me, I haven't been myself lately. But now that I have the Golden Weapons, it's time that I got back to my roots." Garmadon said, getting closer to the Serpentine. "If I'm going to rule Ninjago, I know I can't do it all by myself. The Skeletons served their purpose, but I've always been partial to snakes. If you want someone to follow, follow me!" He stated, walking away as the Serpentine cheered. Scales, however, was not happy with this. "You are to follow me, not him!' He yelled, but everyone followed Garmadon instead. "You want a home? I give you a home." He said, using the Golden Weapons to rebuild the destroyed Bounty. The Serpentine stared in awe. "The power of the weapons..."Mezmo muttered. Once the Bounty was rebuilt, it was no longer it's warm, welcoming self. Instead, it was dark and evil looking. "I give you the Black Bounty!" Garmadon said, making everyone cheer. "Imbeciles! Do you not remember he was just helping the Ninja? Now you blindly follow him because of his wizardry? He's not even a Serpentine. Rule with me, and we rule as brothers!" Scales said, a last attempt to turn the Serpentine to his side.
      "Rule with me..." Garmadon said, before pointing the Sword of Fire at Mezmo. "or else." He concluded, making Mezmo nod his head nervously. The Serpentine then boared the Black Bounty, shouting "All hail Lord Garmadon!" As they took off, leaving the Generals in the dust. "Oh, darn. Ugh!" Scales groaned. On the Black Bounty, Mezmo approached Lord Garmadon, who was steering the ship. " Your eminence, excuse my ignorance, but why is it we fly in the opposite direction of the Ninja, when you have the Golden Weapons in your possession?" He questioned, making Garmadon look back at him. "Because they have my children, and it is written that they will one day defeat me. What good would turning Ninjago into my own image be when that victory would be fleeting?" He asked, looking at the three Serpentine behind him. "Then we destroy Lloyd and (Y/n)." A Constructai suggested, but Garmadon didn't take to lightly to this. 
       "Aargh! Lock him in the brig!" He ordered, and Mezmo dragged the snake to the brig. "No one will touch my son, or my daughter. But by getting rid of Sensei Wu and those pesky Ninja, Lloyd will never reach his full potential, and (Y/n) will never gain the full power of the Silver Ninja. The prophecy will never be fulfilled, and Ninjago will be mine...forever!" Garmadon stated, glaring ahead of him. "Uh, but why are we flying in away?" A Fangpyre asked. "Because we are flying to the Golden Peaks, birthplace of the Golden Weapons. Even they have secrets yet to be unlocked. And once I uncover their full potential, nothing will stand in our way!" Garmadon stated
~Back with the Ninja~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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