Chapter 14

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Stay tuned for the next chappies!
Ch. 14

Momoko's p.o.v.

I slowly opened my eyes and yawned. My vision was a bit hazy but after blinking for a few times, they became crystal clear but then I realized something. This place isn't even my room! Yesterday's events came flooding into my mind and I realized that I kissed my enemy and he knocked me out after he hugged me. I looked down to see that I was wearing my pajamas: a black tanktop with a playboy bunny on it and hot pink caprices with hearts all over them. I must've de-transformed while sleeping but at least my belt is still there. I slowly got up and looked around the room. The walls were painted red and all the furniture and bean bags were red too including the laptop. There was a huge plasma screen t.v. in front of me and some trophies on a high shelf ranged from shortest to tallest. The window had a balcony but when I tried to get out of bed, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me back into the bed where my face met with Brick's sleepy face.

"Don't get up yet Momoko-koi. We need to stay together so we could keep ourselves warm" Brick mumbled as he hugged me tighter.

I blushed from his antics and I tried to get off of him but he wouldn't budge. I sighed and rested my head against his chest taking in his strong scent of cinnamon with a bit of raspberry. After hugging me for a few minutes, I heard him yawn and he looked at me with a loving gaze and kissed my forehead.

"I missed you so much Momoko-chan! I'm so so sorry for trying to hurt you and trapping your loved ones. I thought that I lost you for good but you're alive and this time, I won't lose you again!" Brick whispered while planting kisses all over my face but mostly my lips.

I blushed and looked at his ruby red eyes and saw only truth in them, no lies. He really does love me after all. But it'll be impossible for me to love him because of the plan. I was never supposed to fall in love with a boy until the plan is completed but my heart keeps telling me to love him back but its hard to do that since the girls and I are being counted for by Sedusa and the Black Roses into helping them overthrow the RRBZ.

I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard the door open and my eyes widened at seeing Boomer and Butch by the door with their mouths wide open in shock.

Brick's p.o.v.

While I was kissing Momoko-chan's lips, I heard the door open and she and I slightly blushed when we saw Boomer and Butch by the door with their mouths wide open in shock. I quickly regained my composure and growled at them for ruining my moment with my future girlfriend.

"Haven't you two ever heard of knocking?" I barked at them.

"Where's the fun in that?" Butch slightly smirked at me. "So you two were making out on the bed huh?"

"Butch, don't even think about it!" I shouted.

"How did you brought her in here? Did you kidnap her or something?" Boomer asked.

"No I didn't kidnap her! She fell asleep on a bench and I thought of bringing her here so she wouldn't freeze to death" I lied.

"Yeah right so were you two on planning to do it yet?" Butch grinned.

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM NOW!" I threw a pillow at them in which they dodged quickly from it.

"Okay fine we'll leave but you are going to tell us everything once you two are done kissing" Boomer said with a slight frown.

"Try not to make too much noise" Butch chuckled as he and Boomer closed the door.

"I'm gonna get them for this" I slightly growled. "Sorry for them barging in like that now where were we?"

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