Chapter 25

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Okay maybe I got a little confused. This is the second to the last chappie of this story!
Kaoru's p.o.v.

"Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" my brothers and I chanted on the t.v. The girls and I went back to our homes with our families and after seeing the Professor, Ken, and Peach, that became the greatest day of my life. Right now, my brothers and I are watching the soccer channel and our favorite team is about to score the winning goal.

"Come on, come on" I utterly muttered while my brothers are crossing their fingers.

Then, we saw the captain score the winning goal and we whooped in joy.

"Goal!" we all shouted as we hugged each other and whooped in joy.

Our mom laughed at our reaction while she was cooking dinner and our reaction woke our dad up which caused him to fell off the couch. We laughed at what he did and helped him up since he was a bit tired.

"Thanks kiddos but next time, keep the noise level down please" our dad said.

"No promises pops!" we exclaimed at him while laughing.

We all laughed at what we said and pretty soon, mom made us some grilled chicken with vegetables and for dessert, chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Yummy!

"I really missed your cooking mom" I slightly moaned after biting into her grilled chicken.

"I'm glad that you loved my cooking Kaoru-chan. Pretty soon, you'll be cooking for your boyfriend and my future grandchildren" my mom winked at me.

My dad slightly chocked on what my mom said and my brothers slightly snickered but I gave them a glare to tell them to shut up.

"Not at the table honey!" my dad exclaimed.

"I just can't help myself dear" my mother giggled while I sweatdropped.

"I don't think Butch will propose to me anytime soon since he's probably busy with stuff" I said as I ate my vegetables.

"He must propose to you soon or else someone else might steal you away from him" my mother said dramatically.

"If that person does that, he'll have to go through me" Dai said in a confident tone.

"Or that person would get killed by Butch" Shou said in an obvious tone.

We all finished our food and dessert and right after I helped my mom cleaned the dishes, the phone rang and Shou picked it up.

"Hello? Yeah she's here, I'll let you talk to her" Shou said as he removed the phone from his ear and gave it to me. "Its from your boyfriend"

"What!?" my dad and older brother yelled in shock.

"Awwww" my mother awed thinking it was cute that he's calling me.

"What is it now Butch?" I said on the phone.

"I need you to meet me at the skate park" he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I'll tell you once you get there and wear something nice because this event is special" he answered.

"Okay well I'll meet you there in an hour well goodbye" I said.

"Meet you there my love" he cooed.

I sighed and hanged up and my mom was looking at me with her eyes sparkling.

"What?" I asked.

"Where did he want you to meet him dear?" my mom said.

"At the skatepark and he told me to wear something nice because of some event thats special" I shrugged.

"I think I know what his surprise is" my mother giggled as she left the room and squealed at what she was thinking.

I sweatdropped and quickly went inside my room to change into something nice that Butch asked me to wear. I fixed myself up, checked to see I don't have any dirt on me, grabbed my stuff, and headed out the door not before saying goodbye to my family and walked toward the skatepark wondering what Butch wanted.

When I got there, I was completely shocked at the place. The skatepark had a bunch of new ramps that I never seen before and there was some famous skaters holding up a sign saying I love you Kaoru Matsubara in green bold letters. I looked around and found Butch near one of the new ramps wearing a fancy outfit and leaning against one of the ramps in a cool like position.

"What do you think of this place Kaoru?" Butch asked as he got off the ramp.

"This place is wicked! And whats with the famous skaters holding up the sign?" I asked him.

"They're here to witness the special event" Butch smirked as he walked over to me.

"And what is the special event?" I crossed my arms.

He got down on one knee and my eyes widened as I saw him pull out a velvet box and opened it which revealed a bronze band ring with a big star shaped emerald on the center with tiny, multicolored diamonds circling it.

"Kaoru Matsubara, ever since we first started dating, my heart would always leap in joy whenever I saw you and your smile brings a huge smile to my face whenever you're happy. You made me realize what its like to be loved and how being good can show people how much they actually care for you. You are my heart, my soul, my true soul mate! I want to stay by your side no matter what Kaoru! I love you so much! Will you marry me my sweet buttercup?" he said in a serious voice.

The famous skaters awed at the sight and chanted yes to me wanting me to accept his proposal. Maybe this was what my mother was thinking about and she was right.

"Y-Yes" I slightly stuttered. You're suppose to be strong Kaoru, not a weak girly girl!

The skaters cheered as Butch slid the ring onto my middle finger and kissed me gently. I slightly kissed him and when we broke apart, I hugged him.

"I love you Butch" I whispered.

"I love you too Kaoru-chan" he whispered back.

Looks like he's my perverted fiance now but thats okay because I love this big oaf. Looks like my mom and dad are going to have a son-in-law pretty soon.
Looks like I messed up my counting this is the second to the last chappie of this story.

I APPOLOGIZE that my counting was wrong :(


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