Chapter 20

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Icey's p.o.v.

I am sitting down on a recliner waiting for my maidens to come bring the RRBZ here in a private mansion that I live in. I live here with my aunt since my parents are traveling around the world as famous archaeologists and my older sister is studying in England to become a famous doctor and help people with their diseases. Right now, Sedusa-sama is filing her nails on one of the couch cushions wearing her usual outfit with a fluffy white coat over it and I looked down to see what I'm wearing: a full-sleeved teal blue dress that reached my ankles, white ballet flats, and a mask covering my face that has a picture of an ice crystal on the bottom right of the mask and my hair was tied in a bun covered by my favorite hat that had a tulip on it. I couldn't let the RRBZ know who I am so disguising myself would leave them clueless but they will be surprised once they learn that Sedusa is one of us.

"When are these girls gonna be here?" Sedusa sighed for the thousandth time.

"Real soon Sedusa-sama, we just gotta be patient" I said in a calm voice.

"I know but why must they bring them here when they took over our world and nearly killed the girls?" Sedusa said with venom.

"I overheard them say about forming a truce with us in order to be with their true loves so I thought that if they could pass some certain tests, we will decide whether or not they are worthy on being their boyfriends" I explained to her.

"Sounds interesting but what tests do they have to pass?" Sedusa questioned.

"Oh you'll find out soon enough" I smirked behind my mask.

"I definitely can't wait" Sedusa slightly giggled with evil.

I heard my door slam open and we both saw our members in their disguises carrying the boys who were tied up but unconscious. We slightly sweatdropped at our maidens who were smiling with glee. They walked over to us and dropped the boys on the ground in front of us and put their hands on their hips with a huge grin on their face.

"Operation find the boys and bring them here tied up is a huge success!" they exclaimed with happiness.

"Um good job ladies" I slightly sweatdropped.

"Did you make sure that you distracted the girls?" Sedusa asked them.

"Don't worry Sedusa-sama! We already found the perfect way to distract them" Wendy grinned.

With the PPGZ:

"This is so relaxing!" Momoko sighed as she felt her muscles relax.

She and her best friends were at the famous hot springs and they were in the women's section wearing only their bathing suits with towels covering their hair.

"It was really nice of Sallie and the others to give us a free ticket to the hot springs where we can relax and let loose our muscles" Miyako said as she rested her back against the wall.

"I haven't felt this relaxed ever since I learned how soft the mattresses are whenever I sleep" Kaoru sighed feeling all her emotions cool down.

"At least we get to relax for the day here" Momoko said.

"I wonder how the boys are?" Miyako asked.

"They're probably just sitting at home doing nothing" Kaoru answered.

"Yeah you're probably right Kaoru-san" Miyako said as she closed her eyes with bliss.

"I hope that the Black Roses are relaxing too with their day" Momoko replied.

Back to the others and still in Icey's p.o.v.

"Thats good. They deserve the day off for protecting our city and our precious people" I replied. "Now let's wake up the boys so we can begin their tests"

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