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Imogen stood by the front door. Dressed in her frilly pink dress and white buckle shoes. Her hair in soft ringlets with a pink bow in. Marcus had let her wear a little mascara and cherry lipstick, but only if she didn't tell Victoria. There was a knock on the door and Imogen stands on her tiptoes to answer it. She smiles widely as she sees it's Lukes family.

"Hello Imogen, why don't you look beautiful" Liz says.

"Thank you Mrs Hemmings, so do you" Imogen smiles. The adults coo as Victoria comes to the door.

"Hello everyone, please come in" Vicki says. Imogen moves out the way so that the Hemmings could come in and Marcus took their coats.

"Hello Imogen" Jack and Ben say.

"Hello jack! Hello Ben!" Imogen giggles. There's another knock on the door and Imogen opens it to see Ashton and Michaels family "Hello! Come in!"

Last to arrive was Calums family. Imogen had no idea Calum had a sister but when the bubbly nine year old hugged her she was shocked.

"I'm Mali Koa but you can call me Mali" Mali says.

"I'm Imogen, nice to meet you" Imogen smiles.

"Hi Mali!" Ben says, hugging Mali. She goes off with Jack and Ben and all the little ones go up to Imogen's room.

"This is my room! It's pink with castles and it has a doll house and my kitchen and my baby" Imogen says, pointing at everything.

"You have a kitchen like at kindergarten!" Ashton laughs.

"I got it at my old house" Imogen says "I used to live in Melbourne and we had a very long train ride here"

"I like trains!" Calum says "they go choo choo and they're very fast!"

"I also have swings and a play area daddy made me but mummy says we can't play on that yet because I might rip my dress"

"I like your dress" Michael mumbles "It's pink"

"Michael you don't have to be shy here" Imogen says, holding one of Michaels hands.

"All the other kids tease me in class because I'm small and pale and I talk to Daniel"

"Ignore them Mikey, I like you and the boys like you and I think Daniel is adorable" Imogen says. She leans over and kisses Michael cheek, making him flush a vibrant red.

"Imogen! Dinners ready" Victoria calls.

"Come on guys" Imogen says.

"Can I sit by you Imogen?!" Luke asks.

"And me!" Michael says.

"Yes and then Ashton and Calum can sit opposite" Imogen giggles. They skip down stairs and each and sit where they said they would. Victoria and Marcus bring through the food, roast dinner, Imogen's favourite and the boys instantly push away the veg.

"Boys" The mum's say in a warning tone. The boys look at Imogen who's instantly started eating her broccoli and carrots and sigh. They take small bites but eventually finish it all.

"Dessert is upside down cake and ice cream" Victoria says.

"Imogen's mummy, what is upside down cake?" Michael asks quietly.

"Oh it's just cake with pineapple in sweetie" Victoria says, walking into the kitchen with Marcus.

"Why's it called upside down cake then?" Luke asks.

"Because you put the pineapple in first then the cake mix then when it's cooked you flip it over so it's upside down" Imogen says "I helped mummy make it"

"I like ice cream" Ashton giggles.

"Me too! I like chocolate and vanilla oo and I like gelatin and ice cream" Imogen says.

After dessert the little children go outside to play on the climbing frame and swings. All of them in their pyjamas and oldest shoes as their parents don't want any rips or scuffs.

"I think us being best friends is the best idea since sliced bread"


Mondays are stressful for all the parents as Karen Clifford starts work earlier so Michael has to go in earlier. Michael doesn't like this as he's alone or with the other children that pick on him.

Imogen gets into her red checked dress with the black collar. Her mum helps her put on her red frilly socks and black polished shoes. She puts in her red bow and slips into her black coat.

She runs downstairs as Marcus passes her red tin lunchbox and she rushes out the door with Victoria.

"Vicki! You look a little flushed, need any help?" Liz calls.

"I'm just running a little late for the train and still have to get Imogen to school!" Vicki calls.

"I can do that! You have a good day at work"

"Okay darling, Liz is going to take you. Be a good girl and I'll see you later?" Vicki says. She hugs Imogen before Imogen runs over to Liz and Luke.

"Hello Imogen!" Luke says, hugging the smaller girl. They may of been the same age but Luke was slightly taller and Imogen was small but cute.

"Hello Lukey" She giggles. The pair happily skip to Kindergarten and both hug Liz before walking in. They put their lunchboxes in their holes but decide to go outside so keep their coats on.

When they get outside they see a commotion in the corner of the playground and run over to see three boys towering over Michael, who looks petrified. One boy is holding Daniel and the others are laughing.

"Michael will you play with me?! I love you Michael!" The boy says, imitating Daniel speaking.

"Hey you big, Meanies! Pick on someone your own size!" Imogen says, standing in front of Michael and snatching Daniel back. She helps Michael up and passes him Daniel.

"Stay out of it squirt!" The boy yells, pushing Imogen who goes flying backwards, landing on her bum but scraping her arms, hands and legs on the way down. She wails in pain and Luke sees red before diving for the boy and pushing him over. Teachers run over and pull the boys apart whilst Michael helps Imogen up.

"Would you two like to explain?!" Mrs Merrygold asks.

"Miss" Imogen says timidly "These three boys were picking on Michael so I stuck up for him but they pushed me so luke was only defending me"

"Is this true Luke? Michael? Billy?"

"Yes ma'am" They all say.

"Well Billy, Archie and jack I'll be calling your parents and telling them to pick you up, we have none of that nonsense here" Mrs Merrygold sighs "Come on Imogen let's go get you cleaned up"

They all follow Mrs Merrygold inside and Imogen gets her legs, arms and hands cleaned before going to play with the blocks. Calum and Ashton had arrived by now and Luke was telling them all about what had happened.

"Imogen" Michel says quietly "Daniel asked if you could hold him today, as a thank you for rescuing me?"

"Of course I can Mikey" She smiles, taking Daniel and hugging him "I love Daniel"

"and he loves you"

So long soldier - l.h #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now