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"Imogen Jones!" The teacher calls.

"Yes miss" Imogen says, standing up.

"Michael Clifford!"

"Yes miss" Michael mumbles quietly.

"Michael Clifford!"

"Yes miss" Michael mumbles again.

"Michael Gordon Clifford!" The teacher yells.

"He said yes miss!" Imogen says. Everyone gasps and the teacher stands up and walks in front of Imogen's desk.

"Miss Jones, we do not tolerate attitude and calling out at this school. Come to the front where you shall receive five canes to the hand" The teacher, Mrs Felicity, says sternly.


"Mr Hemmings unless you want the cane I suggest you be quiet" She warns.

"It's not fair! Michaels shy and doesn't like new environments! Why should I get caned for helping Michael?!" Imogen explains.

"That is it Miss Jones, you shall receive ten canes and a day in the stocks outside where all the students can stand and laugh at you, hold out your hand and count to ten" The teacher snarls.

"I only know up to seven miss" Imogen says.

"Not good enough! That is another two added"

After Imogen is caned her face is covered in tears. The teacher added another three canes for her crying and then she is locked in the stocks.

As the lunch bell rings everyone runs outside and laughs at Imogen who keeps her head down. She looks at her bloody hand and a few tears roll down her cheeks and onto her hands. She looks at her ankles, locked into the heavy wood and sighs.

When it's home time all the parents walk into the gate and the five mothers gasp and run over.

"Imogen?! Who did this?" Victoria asks.

"It wasn't my fault mummy! I was trying to help I swear" Imogen cries "Michael was shy so I said he was here and she hit me and then put me in here for the whole day"

"Who darling?" Joy asks.

"Mrs Felicity"

"Me and Joy had problems with her, she caned jack for messing up his alphabet" Liz says. Victoria storms over to the teacher as the boys run over and hug Imogen just as the caretaker let's her out.

"I demand to see the head! My daughter will not attend a school where she is caned for sticking up for a friend! She will not be locked in stocks all day and you have no right to make her hand bloody and keep her in there all day!" Victoria shouts at the teacher. The mum's walk over and all agree with Victoria "I'll be seeing you in court, and my daughter will not be in school until you are punished"

"Neither will our sons, Threatening to cane Luke because he stuck up for his friend" Liz says. They all walk away and head to Ashtons. Anne dresses Imogen's wound and bandages her hand before they all sit down for dinner "I can teach the children. I was a teacher before I had the kids"

"That's brilliant" Victoria nods.


So instead of heading to school the next day Imogen walks around to Lukes house and Victoria heads to the court house where she is prosecuting Mrs Felicity.

Imogen had on a white long sleeved shirt and black apron dress, her white knee high socks with black buckles shoes and a black hair bow. She holds her little red tin lunchbox in her hands and Marcus walks her around to The Hemmings house.

When they get their Imogen knocks before Marcus kneels down to hug Imogen and kiss her cheek.

"You're staying with Liz for dinner okay? I'm at the court house with mummy and we'll be back late so if it's past your bed time you'll be staying over at Lukes" Marcus says "Liz has the spare key and she'll get you pyjamas okay?"

"Yes daddy" Imogen nods "I love you"

"I love you too sweetheart" Marcus says. He kisses her head before Imogen runs inside and hugs Luke.

"How's your hand?" Luke asks.

"It's sore" Imogen says "But at least mummy will make the mean lady go to the bad place"

The other boys arrive and then all sit in the living room on the floor. Liz sits on a chair with flash cards and teaches them all their alphabet.

"Ah - bu - cu - du - eh - fu - gu - hu - ih - ju - ku - lu - mu - nu - oh - pu-" They all chorus.

"Well done" Liz says "So can we all write our names?"

The children try to write their names, it isn't easy though. Their handwriting squiggly and not always putting their b's the wrong ways. 

"Okay, there's juice and apple slices in the kitchen" Liz smiles.

After break they learn numbers and one to twenty. Then lunch then read a story. At around three all the mum's come and pick up the three boys but Imogen's parents still don't show up.

"Imogen, I'm going to send jack and Ben to get you some pyjamas okay?" Liz asks and Imogen nods.

When they get back Imogen changed into her pink frilly pyjamas and Luke and Imogen lie on his bed.

"What's wrong im?" Luke asks and Imogen sniffles.

"This is the first time I've slept away from mummy and daddy" Imogen cries. Luke wraps an arm around Imogen and kisses her cheek.

"Cuddle me!" Luke squeals, giggling "I love you im"

"Love you Lukey"

So long soldier - l.h #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now