Chapter 6

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No one said anything. I should start getting used to this, maybe put a bed in a corner. I know I should be terrified, but I just couldn't. I was pissed. "Why did you do this? They won't let us go back inside." I didn't address to anyone in particular, the question was for everyone except Alby.

"It was my fault, I led them to this, so I had to repay somehow." Gally explained himself first.

"The rest of you? What was in your heads?" they didn't answer. Minho looked to the ground and played with his fingers. "Now I have to take care of you. You're like little kids, I swear. Following me anywhere like I'm your mother." an idea popped in my head. "Actually, I have an idea. Come, my children." I teased them.

"I thought we agreed I'm the mother of the Glade." Newt said next to me. "Mama Noot." he mumbled for himself. I was the only one who heard and chuckled. He smiled embarrassed, it's obvious he didn't want me to know that. I don't usually call him by nicknames, but this one fits him perfectly.

I took them to the place the battery guided me to. "You remember the 'bomb', right? I found it today. It flied to this place and exploded. I don't think that's a coincidence."

"So this is... a way out?" after a few minutes of thinking, Thomas' face lightened, like he had the best idea ever. "This thing is like the heart of the Griever, its command center. So that Griever was programmed to come to this place. They don't stay in the maze all the time, so this is not just a wall, it's the entrance to its house!"

"That's brilliant, but we don't know how to get in there or what waits for us inside."

"Did Gally just say my idea is brilliant?" we all cheered to cover the negative part of what Gally said. He's right, but we need to be extremely optimistic to survive a night in the maze. My attention was mostly focused on Alby. I had to take care of him, I can't say what he's thinking. He was looking at the wall like hypnotized.

"What are you doing there?" I ask, but he doesn't even flinch. "Alby?" I got closer to him. His head was looking up and his eyes were black. "Are you ok?" as I put my hand on his shoulder, he blinks fast and comes back to normal.

"I know how to get in." I watched him as he put his hands on the wall like he was looking for something. Meanwhile, the other boys came and now we're all standing there, waiting for something to happen. Alby pushed a certain spot in the stone wall and it started moving, leaving us dumbfounded. "See, told you."

In front of us was a room lightened by LED lights. After my eyes adapted to the light, I could see its walls were covered in fat. So this is where the Griever lives. I want to go inside, but I got stopped immediately. Newt and Thomas grabbed my hands and Gally put a hand on my shoulder. "Oh, please. You're pathetic. I can take care of myself." I detach from their hands and Minho agrees with a nod. He doesn't love me any less than the others, he just trusts me more and knows what I'm capable of better.

We looked around the room for anything, but there was nothing except for white walls and lights. Another dead end. Why do the Creators play with our feelings like this? They give us hope and then let our hearts sink in disappointment. 

Right when I was about to quit, I hear Thomas say something, his voice being just as happy as it was the first time. "I think we found something." him and Newt were cleaning a part of the wall. "See? These lines are black, the others are light gray." I look to see what he was talking about and notice that the lines between the tiles were deeper.

"So we... push it?" Newt asks.

"I don't think we have another option." Gally lifts his sleeves and starts pushing. He tries for 10 minutes, but nothing happens.

The Maze Runner Fanfic [Thomas x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now