author's note

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Hey guys I just wanted to say thank you for 100k! Oh my god. I nearly had a heart attack when I seen that. I especially want to thank everyone whose been there since the beginning of this journey so thank you.

Now I know all of you have been upset about the ending and have also been questioning about a sequel. First the ending, I ended it like that because I felt that there was no more to say. And I do feel bad for leaving it on a cliffhanger. Because I felt bad, I was thinking in doing some bonus chapters but while writing them I also felt like there was much more for me to say about these character futures. Which brings me to the second thing. Second I've decided to do a sequel. It's going to have all of the same characters and more. It's going to have a very different plotline though. But I'm not going to write the sequel for a while. I have some other ideas for stories that I am currently writing so I've decided to wait until one of them is finished before I write the sequel. I might change my mind about waiting to write it now,but as of right now I am going to wait. I will update you on when I'm going to write the sequel so keep a lookout for that. And again thanks so much for 100k! Omg I'm tearing up.

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