chapter 36

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I run into the hospital not even waiting for the car to stop. I go up to the receptionist.

"Uh Andrew Smith." I say quickly. I try to steady my nerves to stop shaking but I can't.

"What is your relation to the patient? " The fake bimbo asks. How is she even a nurse?

"I'm his sister. "

"Right well he's in surgery. If you'll wait in the waiting room for the doctor. " She then goes back to fileing her nails.

"What n-"a hand on my arms stops me.

" Come on T. "Caden pulls me to the waiting room.

" Tania. You need to listen to me. I have to ask you some questions. "Todd pulls me down on a chair and sits in the seat next to me.

" What? "

"Would there be anyone that would try to hurt you or your brother.? " I look at him through blurry eyes.

"Why? "

"We have reason to believe that someone intentionally ran that car off of the road. If there is someone that will intentionally hurt you or Andrew... You need to tell me. " I let out a sob and cover my mouth with my hands.

"My step dad. Devin. You know what he did to me. When I got out he came back. While he was back he stayed at Andrews. I tried to stay away but when I was there he cornered me but I got out and left. The second time was at a gala. He pulled me into a empty room and beat me. There wasn't anyone in that part of the house so no one heard. He did say he was going to kill me. " I whisper the last part. I look at my hands. Oh no.

"No no no no no no. He thought it was me in the car. That's my Bugatti. He was trying to run me off the road. Oh god. This is my fault. This is all my fault. " I start to pull at my hair.

"The family of Andrew Smith. " A doctor comes out with a clipboard.

"I'll go and see what's going on. " Todd says. I watch.

"His surgery was successful however he is still in critical condition. He lost a lot of blood and had swelling in his brain. To reduce the swelling we put him into a medically induced coma. With his condition his next 48 hours are critical. If he makes it through these next 48 hours then we can run some tests and evaluate his progression but for now all we can do is wait. " After she said that my head was spinning. My vision gets blurry. He could die. He could die and it's all because of me.

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault. " I keep repeating. Caden tries to grab my hands.

"No baby no it's n-"

"DON'T TOUCH ME! " I pull away. I start to feel dizzy and the room starts spinning. I start to see black dots in my vision. I hear people yelling but it sounds so far away. Then all I see is darkness.


I hear this annoying beeping. Then voices.

"I've never seen her like this. This is the scariest thing ever. Like ever. "

"You're over exaggerating Dylan. "

"No I'm not. Look no one's known her as long as I have. Nothing like this has ever happened. "

"When is she going to wake up. She's been out for almost 10  hours. "

"The nurse said she obviously hasn't been eating right and she's dehydrated. They're giving her the nutrients and fluids she needs through her IV. " I flutter my eyes open. Hoping that they will adjust to the bright lighting.

"She's waking up. "

"Tania." Someone grabs my hand.

"Turn off the light. Dylan."

" You can open your eyes. That should be better. "I open my eyes then blink a few times.

" Water . "I say in a raspy voice. Dylan leaves the room. I see the girls and the twins are passed out in the chairs and sofa. Caden is sitting next to me on a chair.

"What's going on in that head of yours? " Caden murmurs.

"I just think it's my fault. Devin wanted to kill me. He's not going to stop until he gets what he wants. He nearly killed his own son, Caden. He did it because he thought it was me in that car. "

"It's not your fault. Your step dad is a psycho. You don't control his actions. Everything that happened, Everything that's happening is his fault and his fault alone. " I play with his fingers and stay quiet. He grips my chin and lift it so he is looking into my eyes.

"Do you hear me? " He asks softly. I nod.


"Understand what I'm saying? "



"Ok." I nod. He leans over and pulls my into a hug. He's such a big teddy bear.

The door opens and Dylan comes back in with a foam cup. She comes to the right side of my bed and hands me the cup. I grab it and sip it.

"Are you feeling better? " She asks sitting on the bed next to my legs.

"Yea. Much better. " I nod.

"Good because I can't have my best friend dying on me. " She pulls me into a tight hug.

"You're not getting rid of me just yet. " She chuckles and pulls away.

"Well I'll go talk to the doctor and see when we can get you out of here. " I nod. She gets up and leaves the room again.

"You said I was out for almost 10 hours.? " He nods.

"We came here around 12:45 and it's almost 11." I sigh.

"Have your heard anything? " He nods.

"They say even though these next 48 hours are critical... They think he's going to make it through. They are already seeing progress and it hasn't been 24 hours yet. "

"I hope so. I don't know what I would do without him. "

"You'd find a way to make him proud. Make sure you annoy the hell outta him even in death. You'd be okay because you have a family here that can help you through it. Especially me but let's not think about that because it's not going to happen. "

"Me nor Andrew would let that happen. " I chuckle.

"That's true. He's strong. He'll pull through it. "

"He will. I know he will. "

Juvie Girl Isn't Bad?[✔] (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now