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The meeting he had arranged for the afternoon was an important one, otherwise Jeong-hyeok would have already found a way to reschedule it.

He walked Seri to her room and took the elevator down to the lobby lounge, where the principal conductor of State Symphony Orchestra was already waiting for him.

Over the years, Jeong-hyeok had cultivated a relationship with the man. What had begun as a shrewd, advantageous relationship had gradually developed into one of genuine, mutual respect. It still wasn't the sort of relationship where they would sit and enjoy a cup of tea together, though, so Jeong-hyeok felt like he was making progress today.

They spoke superficially at first, about the upcoming concert, about possible difficulties Jeong-hyeok might be having with his piece, about the Zurich orchestra which they were collaborating with. It took some time before Jeong-hyeok felt comfortable enough to bring up an idea he had been hinting at over the past months.

"Conductorship?" the principal conductor mused.

"I haven't been working long enough as a professional to consider this, perhaps..."

"No, no. When it comes to the path towards conductorship, talent also has its merits. There are no shortcuts, however. Even for you, Ri Jeong-hyeok tongmu. You still need experience. You still need to put the work in."

"That's why I've been considering the graduate program at the Lucerne School of Music," Jeong-hyeok said, hoping he hadn't rushed to bring it up.

The principal conductor mulled over the thought. "That would be the logical next step. You know the hurdles that you would have to jump over, though." Their motherland didn't let go of her people easily. No one knew so better than Jeong-hyeok.

Satisfied with the seeds he had sown, he bid the conductor a polite farewell and headed out into the evening in search of a restaurant. Settling for one which offered nice takeaway options, Jeong-hyeok decided on pasta.

Back at the hotel, he faltered briefly in front of her room, debating whether to knock or to use his key card. He decided on both, knocking softly and waiting before sliding his card in... only to find the room empty, bed still neatly made, suitcase stood in the corner.

His heart skipped a beat. Jeong-hyeok stood frozen for a second before exiting to dash up the staircase to his room one floor up.

It was with relief that he found Seri sat in front of his desk, head buried in her arms, fast asleep. Her laptop was still open, the screen displaying some Seri's Choice proposal and blueprints.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Jeong-hyeok tried to take off his shoes as quietly as possible. He placed the bag of food on the table and crossed to where she was folded on the desk, looking peaceful as could be. He considered whether it would be possible to move her to the bed without waking her.

After some deliberation, he decided to try. He gingerly scooped her up in his arms, grunting a little at her weight. He could feel her breath tickle his neck.

"Sleep jussa bit more..." she mumbled groggily against his shoulder. She was probably jetlagged still. Dinner could wait.

Jeong-hyeok laid her down as gently as he could on the bed and knelt on the floor beside. A strand of her hair, unkempt as always, had fallen over her face, and he reached to brush it aside. The small gesture had him overcome with a feeling of such tenderness that he had to take a pause to get ahold of himself. It was, objectively, such a small, insignificant moment. Yet it felt like such a grand one in his world.

He could hardly believe that they were here, together. He wasn't a romantic man by nature. He liked logic. He liked order. But the odds were so low that they would end up here, in the same room, in the same country – he had to take a moment to appreciate the magnitude of it.

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