Chapter 14.

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Now that Amethyst owned everything her father left her the first thing she did was throw Rose's elder sister out of her house and throwing her clothes in suit cases at her upon literally throwing her out on the street, the second thing was selling all of Rose's families things. With the aid of Amethyst's friends along with the aid of Jason and Dick with the heavy lifting they managed to move out all the unwanted furniture and clothes all to a second hand store, with that done Rose had moved back in. Amethyst offered her friends to move in since she hadn't planned on staying. Instead she thought of renting her home and still wanting to move into the Wayne Manor, Amethyst did some changes to her father's company as well. She increased her cosmetic and beauty empire by her father's company, Bruce was happy to help her since he was still a share holder, he was aware she turned down a lot of offers in selling her company and thought it would be a good idea to keep doing business with her. The former employees where rehired most of them where women along with being fans of Amethyst's makeup brand, as for the employees that didn't know a thing about makeup Bruce had offered them to work at his company. There was a certain reporter that was given full access to all of it, since Lois had covered the while trial thing and wasn't along Clark Kent was asked to cover the new story about the corporate change and Amethyst wanted people to know about it. She wasn't aware that both Bruce and Clark knew one another, almost in one day everything had changed for the better. 

Within half a week dozens of offers for customers from very famous companies in wanting to do business with Amethyst's company and with Bruce's aid in giving her advice she picked the right ones that where trustworthy which increased in her companies power Amethyst even made sure to get a few companies that where involved with anime and cosplaying, Amethyst didn't stop her cosplay modeling career even after becoming the founder and owner of her own billion dollar company. She still had gotten a lot of modeling offers, with her new body type that still confused her on how she got it the more sexier cosplay's started to suit her. When she said that she was moving to Gotham she had to put her cosplay modeling on hold and switched over to regular clothing modeling, Amethyst also made sure to do a lot of ad modeling for her cosmetic company with lipstick ads along with different types of eye shadows that made her eyes pop out more in pictures. With all the new fame and the stories that she did Amethyst's social media followers had increased to one billion, the same with her YouTube channels. Even Amethyst close friends started getting ad offers for there increased followers since they where on her YouTube channel, while she was in Gotham she Rose of being Vice Present of her company as had given her friends employment as her company for higher ups as well as spoke models. Amethyst only hired people that she trusted in looking after her company. Amethyst had bought two abandoned facilities for her company, one was used her shipping products and the other was a lab manufacturing building in making any type pf makeup products or inventing new types of cosmetics or skin care. Like with her main office her friends where in charge of both facilities along with hiring and background checks.  

After Amethyst had moved to Gotham and in the Wayne manor things started changing, her first week was exciting. She put her things up and decorated her room in the way she wanted without painting it, she hung around Jason more in clearly seeing that he was extra happy that she was staying in his home of course she could have gotten her own place but she felt like the Wayne Manor was the safest place in Gotham. Since she knew Bruce and Jason's secret Bruce ended up showing her the batcave Amethyst was amazed by the size of the place and how it looked a lot like how she pictured it would look, sadly Amethyst couldn't go out much since she had become world known famous and her face was almost everywhere in ads and commercials from across the planet. At night Amethyst wasn't aware that Jason watched her sleep often, it started on her first night at the Wayne manor. He loved being around her, he felt like he could tell her anything and she wouldn't judge him, he felt safe being with Amethyst. However that very week Jason had ran off on his own after Bruce had put of off the field as Robin, Amethyst had heard the news when returning from her modeling job she signed up for in Gotham. She was heart broken that Jason left the way he did, it gotten worse about what had happened in Bosnia and hearing that Jason survived the explosion with a lot of injuries. Jason suffered a lot of damage, stitches, skin graphs, scar tissue and broken bones, he had to bed written for several months, Amethyst barely left his side she had a feeling he would do the same thing if she was in his state. Though Jason felt improvements in his body healing whenever Amethyst either touched his castes hand or the side of his face, like with Rose Amethyst's eyes barely glowed within contact with him and she still didn't realize it. Jason did but didn't say anything since she was helping him heal without even realizing it, the people that he trusted he felt like he no longer could. Jason saw Dick and Barbra as Bruce's victims, Amethyst was an acceptation to him. She knew him before he had even met Bruce, she was the only good thing in his life and he didn't want anyone taking her away from him.

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