Chapter Two: E-daters, Minus The E

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The car ride wasn't awkward, much to George's relief. They chatted a little about Florida and the weather, and then Sapnap started playing music. It would start off with Dream playing Juice Wrld or another slow, sad song, and then quickly switch to Sapnap's loud rap music. His "lit" playlist eventually took over, and Dream and Sapnap were screaming the lyrics, which were barely intelligible.

"HOL UP IM BEAMING!" Dream yelled and the car swerved a bit, narrowly missing a car in the lane beside them, who honked loudly. Sapnap and George yelled in fear. "DREAM!" His wheezing echoed off the car and they laughed wearily with him. "Don't do that!"

"Hmmm, let me think about it." He pretended to be in deep thought, but then stared dead into George's eyes. "No." George wrinkled his brows and looked away. "Why are you looking at me?"

"Cause you're better to look at than Sapnap."

"Dreaaam!" Sapnap whined. He leaned back on the passenger seat, which tipped towards George sitting in the back. Dream's car was nice— t was small, but the outside was painted a deep blue. It smelled like him, and the seats were clean. He had nearly nothing in his car, besides a tissue box on the seat beside him, and his Youtooz figure dangling from the mirror. As if reading George's mind, Sapnap raised his brows. "Yeah, Dream's car is pretty neat. I was with him when he bought it."

"Really?" George grinned, seeing Dream's green eyes sparkle. He chuckled, glancing over to Sap. "Oh, shut up. You said you hated this car."

"I did not!" Sapnap answered defensively. "I just liked the other one better." 

"The other one was so ugly!" As they bickered, George watched Dream's eyes closely. He liked seeing how his friend's eyes would light up when he was excited, or when his eyebrows would lower. He especially liked to see him laugh. Hearing it was one thing—seeing it was another.

"George, you've been ogling Dream ever since you saw his face." Sapnap laughed. "What the heck?"

Dream bit his lip uncomfortably, his voice lowering. "Do I look weird or something?"

"No. I'm just not used to seeing the expressions I usually... hear over the mic, you know? I like it. The way your eyes look really bright when you laugh."

"Thank you." Dream laughed lowly, smiling sweetly at George; one word he never thought he'd use to describe his friend. Their friend gave them a side-eye and flopped back onto his seat. "E-daters."

"E-daters minus the E." Dream corrected him.


"Can I try some?" George reached for the coffee in Dream's hand, but he snatched it away.

Dream grinned. "Only if you say the magic word.".

"What's the magic word?"

"You have to guess, you dummy." He flicked his forehead and laughed. The brunet recoiled and rubbed his temples.

"Sapnappp. What's the magic word? I'll pay you a dollar."

"You really want this coffee, huh?"

"I've never had coffee before."

Sapnap nearly spat out his juice. "What?! Oh hell no. I'm helping you for free, homie." He got up from his seat, and so did Dream, who raised it high into the air. He wheezed when George pouted and glared at him. "Sapnap! He's holding it in the air!"

"I can see that, you idiot!" Sapnap jumped up, and to his surprise, Dream jumped with him. He shot him a dirty look and they continued the embarrassing jumping competition until Sapnap whipped his head around to look at George.

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