Chapter Three: Pinky Promise

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George blinked, his eyes adjusting to the dark room. The only thing he could see was the dimly lit alarm clock, which read 3:32 am. Alarm clock? He looked around, his eyes falling on the body beside him.

He was in a bed. The light hair and the tall body beside him made him raise his eyebrows. What was he doing in Dream's bed? The light sleeper beside him stirred, flipping around to groggily face him. George froze, praying that he wasn't awake. For a minute, everything was still.

"Up already?" His voice was raspy and low. George was glad he couldn't see his tinted cheeks, because his sleepy voice was incredibly—

No. He shook his head a little, lying back down gently. "Sorry. Did I wake you up?"

"A little." Dream turned away from him, facing the ceiling. They were silent for a moment.

"I can't sleep." Dream didn't reply, but he could faintly make out George's face in the dimly lit room. George flipped around to face him as well. It was a lie—George felt his eyelids growing heavy as he struggled to keep himself awake.


"What do you mean?" He snuggled into the blanket that smelled like Dream.

"You had a nightmare, didn't you?"

Silence. How did he know? He was a little embarrassed to admit it.

"...Minecraft zombies." He blushed, rolling his eyes as Dream stifled a laugh. "You baby."

"Shut up. They were scary." Dream didn't answer, and soon, he was asleep again.

George watched his face serenely, and had almost drifted off until he felt the blanket get yanked from his body. He jolted awake, the cold air raising goosebumps on his skin. Sitting up, he glared at the body nestled in the sheets. He grabbed a corner and tried to pull it back a little, but even in his sleep, Dream's grip was still too strong. It went on for a few minutes, the tugging, until George sighed and flopped back down. He snuggled closer to the taller one's chest, stealing whatever warmth he could, until he fell asleep too.


George woke up to the sun trying to blind him. Who knew that the flaming ball was this aggressive in Florida? The second thing he noticed was the arm firmly wrapped around his torso, and how close he was to his best friend. He peered up, his head gently bumping against Dream's jaw. The younger one just pulled him closer, huffing.

"It's way too early for you to be awake."

"Dream, it's almost 8."

"Way too early."

The blush George had been fighting off finally spread across his cheeks, colouring his ears a pretty pink. Dream felt the sudden warmth against his chest and he smiled a little, still half-asleep. George played with the soft t-shirt, wrapping it around his fingers. Then he hesitantly nestled closer, pressing his face into the shirt. "You smell good," He mumbled. Dream chuckled, a little 'thank you' escaping his dry lips.

Maybe it was because he hadn't really noticed, but Dream's laugh was really attractive when he wasn't deflating. Not to say that he didn't like to hear his wheezing, though. 

They were still snuggling when the door flew open. George jumped, his head knocking against Dream's jaw again; this time, not so nicely. Dream groaned as Sapnap backed away from the door. George waited for an inappropriate remark, embarrassment written across his face.

"I hope you guys have socks on." He walked out of George's sight, yelling loudly, "I made pancakes!"

Dream rubbed his chin as he laughed. "Is the kitchen burning?"

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