Chapter Six: Will He

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"Why were you running from me? You scared me! You're such a little bitch, Dream." Sapnap rambled on, still breathing heavily. They were in Dream's car now, leaving for his apartment. The sky was rapidly greying, thunder promising to smile down at them. George stared out the window, resting his chin on a hand. His mind was still racing, his heart pumping at a million miles per hour. Dream, pinning him against the wall, looming over him. Why did he look like he was going to kiss him? Did he lean in, or was he just hallucinating?

It didn't seem like Dream had any intention of answering that. When George closed his eyes, the only thing he could see was his soft lips, how invitingly warm his breath was, the redness of his cheeks. The hand Dream had been holding was on fire now, begging for his attention. Begging for the warmth he'd missed so dearly.

He was so screwed.

It was safe to say that Dream didn't feel any more different. Except, there was a twisted feeling in the pit of his stomach. George didn't like him back, so why did he feel so hopeful? He stabbed at that hope, telling it to stop, telling it to disappear. He didn't want to set himself up for this.

He wasn't going to set himself up with this. George didn't like him, that was the end of the conversation. George was straight. Dream was a freak for ever thinking otherwise. Everywhere his hand touched, he felt like he was imprinting a part of the pretty brunet's handprint. Over the steering wheel, on his pants, on his shirt. It was a glittery blue, sparkling, threatening.

It was overwhelming. He moved his hand, trying to get away from the contagious glitter. Lower, lower, lower. Until there was nowhere to go. Sapnap glanced over to see his friend looking like he'd just come out of an asylum. His hands roamed the steering wheel, except not normally. He was holding it in weird positions, shifting them every two seconds.

"Dream? Dream!" He grabbed the sides of his seat, letting out a yelp as Dream shook himself back to reality, fiercely swerving just in time to miss a car.

"What the hell!" Now Sapnap was really angry. "Pull over. Pull over right fucking now, before I crash this car." Dream turned to him, his eyes blank. He obediently drove his car to the side, stopping. Sapnap unbuckled his seatbelt and stormed out of the car, making his way to the driver's seat. He pulled the door open.

"Get. Out." Dream looked up, still dazed. "Huh?"

"You heard me. Get into shotgun." He reluctantly stepped out, getting in.

"You are freaking delusional, Dream. Absolutely out of your mind." He muttered. Peeking through the mirror, he saw George quietly sitting at the back, his hands folded. The car cruised down the highway, Sapnap a little unfamiliar with the feeling of the wheel, and the chair adjustments.

"What did you think you were doing? Are you insane?" He lectured him.

"I'm sorry, Sapnap."

"No. I don't want to hear it." He replied gruffly. Dream turned to his window, staring at the buildings passing by.

Sapnap had better do something quick, before the blond beside him officially went crazy.


George stared at the back of his hoodie. The smile almost looked condescending, and he wanted to pummel it. The piss-yellow color assaulted his eyes, in the otherwise dark hall.
They were walking to his apartment, alone.

Sapnap had went to park the car. The keys jingled softly, and Dream walked at a good pace in front of him. The younger refused to talk, or even look him in the eye. George couldn't deny that felt a little crushed, even confused.

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