Chapter 4 - Chased and a new blog?...

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3rd POV

Mari and her gang got to her room to quickly do what homework had to be done then set out for mischief.

"So who do you guys even think that was anyway?" Mari asked the as Alya who had been with them, scrolled through her phone and told them the news.

"Ha! I found it! Adrien Agreste, teen fashion model for his father Gabriel Agreste's AgresteBrand. Rich and famous too" Alya told them which made Mari frown even more

"Rich, daddy's boy and that mannequin's buddy?! Now it fits so perfectly" Mari sneered causing Alix, Kim and Alya to laugh

"Whats so funny?"

"Ha-ha, sorry Mari its just the nicknames you and Kagami gave that girl are hilarious!" Alix said while laughing

"Yeah! Mannequin and Wardrobe Malfunction! What a perfect combination" Alya laughed, and they all joined as well.

"Yeah it;s pretty funny. Now since everyone's done time to cause some mischief!" Mari cheered with them as they all ran to get their jackets from their rooms.

"Hey Marinette, can I come with you guys, and maybe join your group? I love the way you guys do things, it's okay if you say no, I understand you don't like people that much" Alya asked the bluenette who just fastened her jacket.

"Yeah sure I don't mind. I had a feeling someone would ask today so I made this just in case, I guess its your perfect size" Mari said handing her a jacket like everyone elses with the words Miraculous on the back. Hers was fox themed and she loved it and wore the graffiti mask she was given.

"Thanks so much girl, its awesome!" she cheered and put them on.

"Okay guys get in here I have something to say!" Mari yelled towards her gang and they all got in, dressed and ready.

"So we have our newest addition to the gang. Guys please welcome... Rena Rouge" Mari stepped to the side to reveal Alya who was dressed in the black leather jacket with orange and white details like her mask and wore a pair of combat boots.

"Hey guys, glad to be on the team. And I love that name Mari, how'd you come up with it?"

"It just fits you. Now when were dressed like this we all have code names, I'm Ladybug, this is Tigress, Viperion, Ryuko, BunnyX and King Monkey. You are to call us by only those names, we can't expose ourselves now can we. Also you can't tell anyone about us, or expose anything related to you or us, okay?"

"Alright I promise. Now what are you guys doing today?"

Tigress, it's your turn to pick today" Mari told the quiet tiger-themed girl who just shrugged and pick up her spray-can

"Graffiti it is then. You don't talk much do you?" Alya asked and she nodded, Luka explaining that she's very shy, reserved and quiet, but dangerous when angry and the rest nodded.

"Alright let's go. Rena you'll ride with me on my bike, or do you prefer to skate like BunnyX?"

"I think I prefer skating if that's okay" Alya told her

"Suit yourself, everyone ready?" Mari asked them

"The dragon is ready to bring the storm. Ryuko is ready"

"The snake is set to slither. Viperion's ready"

"The bunny is ready to hop. BunnyX is good to go"

"This monkey's good to swing. King Monkey's all good"

"The tiger is ready to pounce. Tigress' ready"

"The fox is a go for mischief. Rena Rouge is a go"

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