Chapter 16

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~ 2 Years later ~

I was dressing Kaelynn while Nathan was at work. As usual, Kaelynn was an angel when it came to dressing her but, when it came to getting her shoes on, she was a nightmare. She hated shoes. As soon as I put one on, she'd take it off while I was trying to put on the other one. The only person that could get her to wear shoes was Nathan and, unfortunately, Nathan wasn't here right now.

I sighed as Kaelynn, once again, took off her shoes. She jumped off my knee and ran into the living room.

"Kaelynn!" I yelled as I pushed myself into the front room.
"No , mummy! No shoes!" She shouts as I sigh.
"But we're going to see Nanny and Grandad today. You get to see Sasha, Julian and Thomas too." I reply as she lays on the floor and starts to throw a tantrum.

I decide to ring my mum and ask her to come help so, she does. 

When my mum gets here she talks to Kaelynn quietly as I roll my eyes and go to get my daughter's shoes.

"She's gonna let me put her shoes on." My mum says, coming to get her shoes from me.
"I don't understand why she won't let me do it." I say as my mum shrugs.
"She's just scared, Eva." My mum says as I look at her confused.
"Scared of what?" I ask as my mum sighs.
"Your chair. She doesn't like it." My mum replies as I sigh. "She's too young to understand right now, but she will." My mum adds on as I nod and thank her for helping me.


My mum, Kaelynn and I finally arrive at my mums house. I say hi to everyone and give them all a hug while Kaelynn des the same before sitting on my mum's knee and playing with her bracelets.

"Is Nathan gonna come pick you guys up from here?" My mum asks as I nod.
"Yeah. He's gonna have tea with us, if that's okay?" I ask as my mum nods.
"That's absolutely fine." She says as I nod.

We start having a conversation about what nursery to send Kaelynn to when she turns 3. I wanted to send her to the nursery round the corner from mine but, my mum suggested the nursery that I attended. Nathan and I would have to have a long conversation about where we're sending her because we need to have it sorted before September next year.

Soon enough, Nathan turns up after work as my mum starts to cook tea, getting some help from Thomas and Juian.

"Daddy!" Kaelynn yells as Nathan smiles and picks her up, giving her a cuddle.
"Hey." He says, holding Kaelynn and walking over to me.

Nathan gives me a quick kiss before sitting down beside me and holding Kaelynn on his knee. Kaelynn nuzzles  into Nathan's chest, holding him tightly as he starts a conversation with my dad and I start a conversation with Sasha.

Once we'd eaten tea, we said goodbye to my family before we start to head home.

"So, my mum, Jess and Phil are coming to visit for a few days next week." Nathan says as I nod.
"That's good. At least they get to see you and Kaelynn." I reply as Nathan nods.
"They're coming to see you too." Nathan says as I nod.
"I know." I reply as the conversation ends there.

Once we get home, Natahn puts Kaelynn in her pyjamas before putting her to bed. I get myself changed and put myself in bed as I was super exhausted.

Just as my eyes started to close, I feel the bed dip behind me and pair of lips on my cheek.

"Goodnight Beautiful."

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