Chapter 2

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I woke up in my room as per usual. I simply sit up and look for my glasses. Sighing, I grab my glasses. A small knock was heard at my door. "Come in?" I rub my eyes as I start to move my body to the edge of my bed. Tony walks into my room and closes my bedroom door. "You want to make sure you are well packed for the day." Sighing I shake my head at his words. "Tony, I am fine. No matter what I don't think they would hurt me." I stand up from my bed. Tony shakes his head. "I understand that, but no matter what you are my sister! You mean everything to me." I walk over to my closet. "Tony, I am an adult. I can handle myself!" Grabbing my normal work attirer. Tony turns around as I change.  "As much as I trust Cole... He's a boy.." Before Tony could say anything else I burst into laughter. "Hahahah...Tony, really?" Tony just shakes his head. "Yes, really! You know how I feel about you being alone with a boy." Dying of laughter I peek my head out from my closet. "Tony! I have been single since I was 16!! The only reason I would get close to a boy, is if I needed to get rid of them." I walk out of my closet with a white button up shirt, jeans, and heel boots. This was something I wear to deal with business. Tony turns around and smile at me. "As long as you can protect yourself I am happy." Walking over to him I smile. "Plus if Coleee is there, I'll be safe. For he is such a good assassin~~" I walk out of my room heading to the bathroom down the hall. "I FORBID YOU TO FLIRT WITH HIM!!!" Tony hits the bathroom door with his face. "Hahaha as if!!" I laugh as I start to finish getting ready.

Once I was finished getting ready, I left the bathroom to see Cole about to knock on my door with my brother beside him. "Cole do not flirt with my sister...If you do I will end you..." Cole rolls his eyes. "If you do just reminder...I bite back~" I wink and walk to flick my brothers forehead. My brother looks at me disgustingly. "You are gross.." Cole looks at me with a smirk. "We should be leaving soon...Father is waiting at home.." I nod my head and look at my brother. "Tony, do not go through my stuff. Also if I need to I will take that girl of yours...Do not test me!" I glare at him as I walk to the stairs. "I'm ready to go if you are!" I smile at Cole and start walking down the stairs. Cole walks down after me. As much as I found Cole cute, he's my brothers friend. Also mainly this is just for business. "Father will be delated to see you." Cole smiles as he opens the passenger door for me. I mumble a quick thank you and get in the car. "How exactly your father know about my old family?" Cole looks over at me as we leave the mansion. "I'm not sure. He wouldn't tell me." I nod and look out the window. "I know you don't like to talk about them...Tony told me why..." My eyes widen. "Of course he did...But yes I do not like to talk about them. They brought a lot of pain into my life." In the corner of my eye, Cole looks at me with sympathy. "Dad actually wanted to talk to you about how some people don't think you are dead..." I nod my head. "As much as I want to not believe that. I can understand that this is a serious topic..." Cole pulls into a long drive with trees lining it. We come to a clearing to see a modern mansion. My eyes widen and soon the car comes to a stop. Before I could open my door a butler is already opening it. "Oh! Thank you.." I smile and walk over to Cole, talking to a maid. "Welcome to my home!" He smiles and extends his hand for me to take. I place my hand into his, he pulls me softly into the home. 'My hands are smaller than his...' Really Crystal? You are here for business! Not for some boy! Cole smiles at me as we walk up the stairs. "Fathers office is down the hall..." I simply nod, words were not able to come to my brain. Should I be scared? Probably not! Cole knocks on the doors to his father office and soon opens them. "Father..." He smiles at me as he leads me over to his father's desk. "Crystal, am I correct?" His father smiles at me as I mumble a small yes. "It's good to finally meet you. I'm sorry for having to bring some bad memories up, but for your safety its what we have to do." He looks over at his son who just now released his hand from mine. "It's ok. I've heard that some people think I'm alive?" I tilt my head slightly. "Yes, that is the case. Oh my name is Chris Hodges..." Chris smiles at me as he looks over at his son. "You've already met my son." I nod and look at Cole. "Now back to business...Who are these people?" I ask as I cross my legs. "Ah a girl who likes to talk business...One of them was romantically involved with you." My eyes widen as he says this. "Jessi? He still thinks I am alive?" I smile soon grows on my face. "Oh he will soon regret that..." I giggle as I smile a devilish smile. Cole eyes widen as he looks at me in the corner of his eyes. "The others?" Chris nods his head as he pushes a folder towards me. "This folder contains the names and who really needs to be dealt with." I nod as I look through the folder. Cole looks at his father. "Father? Would you like me to help Crystal out?" I look at him slightly surprised at his requested. "Of course! I've heard you are a good at integrating people! My son could help you out, with other things." I glare at the two males. "Fine, but if you get in my way...I don't take it kindly..." I stand up and walk towards the door. "If you don't mind...Could I get a ride home so I can get some more info on this?" I ask as I innocently smile. Cole stands up and walks up to me. "Of course!" I wave a goodbye to Chris.

She waves a goodbye to my father as we exit his office. Once we are away from his office, she grabs ahold of my shirt and pulls me down to face her. "Let me say this real quick...If you get in my way. You will be the first one to have a gun pointed at your head...Do I make myself CLEAR?!" She's kinda cute when she's threatening. "Of course...Why would get in your way? I don't do that to princesses." I smirk at her. She lets go of me and sighs. "Men really are dumb..." Crystal walks away and soon I follow her. Tony never did mention her. Even though she was in that family when I was still around. Hmmm? I wonder if he was protecting her from someone? I mean that guy she dated thinks she is alive so that might be it. "Are you taking me home or what?" She looks at me with her hand on her hips. Crystal's face expression shows she isn't playing around. I nod and walk past her. As much as I want to flirt with her I can't. Tony would kill me for going behind his word.

After awhile we got to her home. She mumbled a quick thank you. "Are you free tomorrow?" I tilt my head in confusion. "Yes, why?" I ask as she looks down at the folder. "Come by after lunch so we can talk about this business. I'll see you till then." She smiles at me as she gets out of the car. I nod my head and start to leave. How can she be that scary for someone her size. I mean Tony said she can be scary, but not that scary. I rather not deal with Tony. If I do decide to flirt with her... She does seem to be serious about this job. In honesty she does not even act like Ella. If though she is her. She really is interesting...

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