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i dont even know if i should contineu this book everything about it is wrooooong

-it was originally supposed to be about 5 kids being kidnapped

-reverse wasnt even supposed to be a main character, he was supposed to be a ghost in a dream

-the first drawings of the main characters (reverse, west, charlie) were dragons

-west was originally called candy

-west was supposed to be in charlie's place (rich w/ two sisters and mum and dad)

-charlie was supposed to be really depressing

-reverse was supposed to live w/ his mum, not dad

-reverse was supposed to have a baby sister 

-there was supposed to be a fourth character who was an antagonist

-the setting (even BEFORE the kidnapping setting, when i first created the characters) was supposed to be 3 friends living together going out adventuring for who knows what i forgot dont blame me i made these characters and original plot years ago

-west was supposed to have killed someone and escaped froma  mental hospital

-charlie was supposed to be lost in a huge library labrynth with a monster hunting him, after his sisters found an old spell book and forcefully put him there

have fun witht hat knowledge im going to bed

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