Chapter 2: Bad Dream

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Yuma shot up from his bed, sweating like a waterfall and his heart was racing. Natural light streamed into his room through the shoji screens.

He looked around his dorm room and the glimpse of the photo of his parents on his desk and the personal belongings around his red fiery Japanese style room seemed to calm him from the nightmare he had awoken from. He checked his phone, "It was all just a dream..." He said to himself. He looked in the mirror, he was wearing red and black eastern dragon hoodie and sweatpants, He changed into his school uniform.

As he put on his tie his phone vibrated, he checked it and it was a text message from his best friend, Genjirou Hendraki.

"Are you okay?"

Yuma texted his friend back: "I'm fine, see you in class"

Yuma sighed, he hated when Hendraki or any of his classmates worried about him. Netsucharji slipped on his shoes and went down to the common area.

A news report on the latest sightings of a Yakuza played on the TV, with Denki Kaminari, Hanta Sero, Eijiro Kirishima and Fukimage Tokoyami sitting on the couch all fully dressed in their school uniform watching it.

"Over the past fortnight, sightings of a Yakuza group by the name of Dark Million has been spotted all over the prefecture, the latest report of a Yakuza convoy moving through Itachi City, Kyoto. Pro Hero's failed to catch the convoy which was carrying Yakuza agents and what seemed to be the League of Villains members Dabi and Mr Compress. The origin of these creatures is unknown, but the League of Villains leader Tomura Shigaraki may have connections with their leader Revenant. Revenant's whereabouts and Quirk is currently unknown, Shigaraki's whereabouts are unknown as well.

"Good thing we moved into the dorms; I don't want to be captured by the mafia," said Denki, rubbing the back of his head.

"At least they didn't break into here, that would be a nightmare," Kirishima replied. Netsucharji brushed his messy brown hair out of his eyes, "If U.A. is attacked by the Yakuza, I'm probably going to defecate myself on the spot, those groups are terrifying. You've seen what the Yakuza can do..."

"Keep in mind Netsucharji, we are just standard high school students, I know we can use our Quirks but if you want a smashed cranium go for it my friend," Tokoyami said sternly, with his arms crossed.

"That's dark, man," said Sero, getting up from the couch and slinging his bag over his shoulder. "I'm going to class, don't want Mr Aizawa to be angry."

Sero, Kaminari, and Tokoyami left the room, Netsucharji met his friend Hendraki sitting on the steps at the front door.

"Took you long enough dude. Sleeping with Yaoyorozu last night?" the dark purple haired boy laughed as they shook hands.

The pair began to walk to U.A.

"Nah man, I was in my room, I did that last Friday," Netsucharji replied.

"Then why were you so late? School starts in 10 minutes." Hendraki raised his eyebrow. "Had a nightmare, I don't remember it much..."

"Jeez man, well you can go talk to Ms Tsukuru, she may be our art teacher, but she comforted me when I had a flashback about my parents." Hendraki put his hand on his friends' shoulder.

Netsucharji smiled. "Thanks, bud, race you there!" The dark brown-haired teenage boy ran off and his friend followed in haste.

They raced through that gate of U.A. and into the building, zooming past students, first years, second years and third years alike.

The pair raced around the corner of a corridor, with Netsucharji taking the lead, he noticed a janitor cart in the middle of the hallway.

"Time for some little parkour!!" Yuma smirked as he sped up and jumped over the janitor cart, flipping in mid-air. Landing on the ground in an Iron Man pose, he looked over his shoulder to see Hendraki doing the same thing. "You are good, but you've got competition."

Both saw their classroom sight and sprinted towards it. Yuma full on did the Naruto-run towards the classroom, Hendraki's used his quirk on the ground and slid around like he was sliding around in socks.

Netsucharji panted as he entered the classroom, Hendraki put his hand on his friends' shoulder as he caught his breath. The class rep Tenya Iida turned his head to his two classmates, and he waved his arms like a robot.

"Sit down in your assigned seats, you two, Mr Aizawa could be here at any moment!!"  Netsucharji sighed, "C'mon Mr engine legged Xander Phillips, you are standing up in the first place!"

Ochako Uraraka tried her best not to laugh while Iida's face turned red.

"You need to learn to respect your class rep, I am the boss of you so sit down right this instant!!!" Iida waved his arms even faster.

Netsucharji sat down in his seat at the back of the classroom, with Hendraki on the right, and Todoroki on the left. "Morning Todoroki, how's Yaoyorozu?"

The half and half teen lifted his head, "Morning Netsucharji, your ties crooked, and that is your business, not mine. She is your girl now."

Netsucharji's eyes widened as he adjusted his crooked tie. "Thanks, I didn't sleep well so yeah..." Todoroki swept straits of red and white hair out of his face. "Having nightmares again? Your fight with that villain with the blue fire at the training camp was intense, I saw you fight him. I was scared for you, then Bakugo and Hendraki got captured." Said Todoroki.

The bell rang and Class 1-A's teacher, Shota Aizawa aka the pro hero Eraserhead entered the room, carrying a yellow sleeping bag.

"Morning class A," Aizawa said sleepily.  "Good Morning Mr Aizawa!" 1-A said all in unison.

Aizawa rubbed his bloodshot eyes. "I need to tell you guys something, about the recent Nomu attacks." Tension filled the room as Class 1-A started to sweat.

Aizawa cleared his throat; "As you know the weekend is tomorrow, and you can leave the dorms to go see your parents, go shopping, spend time with each other etcetera. A curfew will be set due to the frequent sightings of that Yakuza group on the news, I want you all back in the dormitory at 8:30 PM sharp! Do you all understand?"

Everyone started to whisper to each other, but Aizawa cut in.


Class 1-A all looked at Mr Aizawa in fear, "Yes Mr Aizawa!!" they all replied in unison. Mr Aizawa crawled into his sleeping bag, "Now we have an understanding, class dismissed." Aizawa exited the room and the Voice Hero Present Mic stepped in.

"Yo, yo, yo dudes and dudettes!! We've got plenty for grammar and punctuation work to do so let's get it y'all!!!!" said Present Mic in a loud voice while flamboyantly moving his arms.

Everyone sighed and thought, "English can suck ass.

Netsucharji, and Hendraki, sat down at their normal table. Hendraki took a bite out of his grilled fish and white rice. "You want to study tonight? Ectoplasm gave us a bunch of shit on algebra and oh boy it gives me a migraine." Hendraki nibbled on his fish as he recommended his friend. Netsucharji shallowed a wonton from his irresistible wonton soup.

"I agree with you there, even though he is a good hero, his algebra homework gives me a migraine, I remember when I stayed up till about 2 in the morning working on the algebra homework, and Present Mics English homework he gave me."

"Jeez, I'm still down to study man." Yuma drank the soup out the bowl. "I have some stuff to do this afternoon, so sorry dude." Hendraki finished off his rice.

Just when Netsucharji was about to finish off his soup and go to lunch rush for another one, the alarm rang. The alarm that rang when there were a security breach, and a full lockdown was necessary.

"What the fuck is going on?" Yuma questioned. "I have no clue, but that alarm means trouble, villain rated trouble," Hendraki replied

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