You and your boyfriend had been dating secretly for 6 months. He was nervous to come out to his friends and fans. He had no clue how they would react. You reassured him that everyone would support him but never pushed him to do it.
You knew what it was like to come out. Unfortunately, your parents weren't very supportive. They were very homophobic. They practically disowned you and that's how you and Adam met. He was super nice and let you come live with him. Things happened and then bam he was gay for you.
He was terrified of coming out, especially since you had told him your story. He thought people wouldn't like him anymore and would think he's a f*****. (omg that so homophobic, don't come for me. am i even allowed to say that?) You reassured him everyone would still love him the same but he couldn't help but be nervous. Non the less you supported his decision to keep your relationship a secret.
As your boyfriend was streaming you were sitting on a couch that was in his recording room, scrolling through your instagram feed. Every once in a while, you would bring your attention to what he was saying. He read a comment aloud that read: "Do you have a girlfriend?"
"Do i have a uh, girlfriend? no i do not." He nervous laughed.
You laughed at his nervousness and continued scrolling through your feed. You began to tune out Adam's voice and start snapchatting your best friend.
After your 20 minute conversation with your best friend, you look back up to Adam, who was now spinning in his chair. You were just gonna go back to scrolling through your instagram or twitter but Adam called your name.
"Y/N could you come here please?" Adam called out and you did as he asked.
He sat you down on his knee and began speaking into his microphone.
"Wait, before we start the round i have to say something."
People who he was playing with had started making guesses which made you laugh. You had no idea what he was going to say and didn't bother asking. You figured it was about his new song that wasn't released yet. (Go check out agoraphobic. its my favorite song of his.)
"So, you know how earlier in the stream, someone asked me if i had a girlfriend and i said no?" He asked the group that was patiently waiting for the news.
"Did you lie?" Pewdiepie/Felix teased.
"Well, yes but, actually no." He explained.
You had an idea of where this was going but you were shocked if you were right.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Jacksepticeye/Sean laughed through his question.
"Well i don't have a girlfriend, i kinda, sorta have a, uh, you know, um a boyfriend." He said quickly. Even though it was said quickly you were proud of him.
Everyone stopped laughing and everything went dead silent. You could feel Adam get anxious. You put your arm around him for support and looked at the chat. It was completely stopped as well. Even you started to get a little anxious, but the chat quickly started again. As you read it, a smile appeared on your face. The majority of people watching the stream were super supportive. Maybe one or two homophobes, but screw them.
Adams friends were still quiet waiting for the another to say something first. That was until Sykunno spoke up.
"Good for you!" Sykunno encouraged.
Soon the rest of the lobby was congratulating him and supporting him. They couldn't see the huge smile on his face but you could and thats all that matter.
They asked to meet you and you said hi and then the game continued as if everything was normal. As it should be. You stayed on Adam's lap until the stream ended. After the stream you just cuddled until you both fell asleep.
this was probably one of my best written chapters.
anyways leave requests and go check out my new book
also do you guys want images/preferences?
k bye

Corpse Husband Oneshots
Romanceif you dont know who corpse husband is you are dead to me. and if you are simping for him like i am this is for you.