You wake up feeling the embrace of your lovers arms. You turned around carefully, expecting him to be wide awake, smiling that goofy smile, but he was fast asleep. You smiled to yourself. Adam barely slept and whenever he did it was only for about 20 minutes.
You looked at the clock on your wall and saw the time read 10:32 AM. You had a family reunion at 4:00PM today. You basically forced Adam into going. Adam is convinced that your parents do not like him but the truth is they love him. He was always there to put a smile on your face and support you so what was there not to like. Of course he had his flaws but who didn't. I guess he figured no family would like him considering his own didn't.
You played with Adam's soft jet black curly hair. You wondered how long he had been asleep and how much longer he would sleep. He didn't have to get up until 12. He could actually sleep until 1 if he wanted. But you knew better, you knew he'd be awake in the next 15 minutes. You let out a sigh and continued to play with his hair as you fell asleep again.
12:23 PM
You had woken up for the second time today and to your surprise Adam was sleeping. You wondered if he has stayed asleep the whole time. That would be a miracle. You, again, play with his jet black curly hair, while snuggling closer to him. After a minute or so you feel arms tighten around your waist.
"Good morning." you mumbled into Adam's chest.
"Morning" Adam mumbled in his morning voice.
"When did you fall asleep?" you mumbled into his chest again.
"I don't know. 7? 8? What time is it now?" Adam answered and asked.
You move your head away from his chest and look back at the clock.
"12:27" you turned your head back into his chest not wanting to get up.
"Really?" Adam asked shocked and looked over at the clock. "wow, i dont think i've slept that long in a really long time."
"Well i hope you are refreshed because we're going to the reunion today" you reminded Adam.
Adam groaned and pulled you closer.
"Can't we just stay like this all day" Adam suggested.
"Any other day i would love to..." you started. "But my parents are counting on me today. You know they are already pissed off im not married yet."
You were the oldest of all of your siblings and ironically the only one who wasn't married.
Stephanie - 21, Married for 3 years.
Gale - 20, Married for 2 years.
Bill - 19, Married for 1 year.
You were 22. Of course you were dating Adam but it was a tradition to get married at 18. A tradition you broke. At 18 you and Adam had just started dating. Broke up a year later, got back together 2 months later and have been together ever since.
"Yeah, i get it, but if we don't go, they wont nag at you for not being married" Adam remarked.
"Nice try, we are going. Im going to take a shower, let go." You said in a stern voice.
Instead of listening to you, Adam held on tighter.
"Adam, i'm serious. I have to get ready."
Adam didn't move, just laughed and held you in his arms.
"We have time baby. Just lay here with me, please." Adam whined.
"Fine, you're lucky i love you" You smiled into his chest.

Corpse Husband Oneshots
Romanceif you dont know who corpse husband is you are dead to me. and if you are simping for him like i am this is for you.