≛ chapter eight

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JULY 1978

Michael laid on Juniper's bed, far enough away from her still-sleeping body so he wasn't invading her space. The night before, her parents had noticed him when he delivered her to her home, and they had insisted on housing him for the night.

Juniper drowsily mumbled something unintelligible under her breath as she shifted closer to him. He carefully inched away from her, nearly falling off the bed, until she wrapped her arms around his torso and moved her head onto his chest.

"Don't go," she uttered, still cast under the deep spell of sleep.

Michael sighed, stroking her hair. "I won't, Buggy," he replied softly. "I won't."

How could he? He was drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

That was what she was, he decided. A beautiful, fiery flame that could hurt him if he got too close.


Michael giggled as his parents and siblings finished their final campfire song.

"Okay, time for bed!" his mother laughed joyously. She stood and lifted her youngest child into her arms. "Casey, watch Michael while we put your other siblings to bed, okay?"

Casey grumbled in acknowledgment, picking at the dirt under his nails. Michael's ears were filled with crickets chirping, woodland creatures calling out, and the crackle of the campfire, yet the world seemed so quiet.

He watched the diminishing fire intently, watched the long fingers of heat lick at the wood fueling it. The fire must have felt so smooth, like the satin on his mother's orange headscarf. He stood up on his pudgy legs and waddled closer, pushing forward despite the stinging in his eyes.

Just as he neared the very edge of the little pit, he was harshly pulled back by the relatively strong arms of his older brother.

"Hey!" Casey hissed, holding Michael close to his chest. "C'mon, Mike," he scolded. Michael watched him curiously until he explained his agitation.

"Don't you know? If you play with fire, you're going to get burnt."

JULY 1978

Well, there he was, playing with fire.

Michael knew it was risky to be so attached to her when she already had a boyfriend, but he couldn't help himself. He didn't know how to.

Juniper had changed her position so her head was nestled into the crook of his neck, and it was driving him crazy. If she had loved him as he loved her, she might have woken up and kissed him, with how close she was. She might have placed her head there willingly, while she was awake.

Michael wanted her to love him. Or maybe he wanted someone to love him. Not as much as Jackie, of course, because he wasn't ready for marriage, but if someone loved him... If someone loved me I could be ok.

If someone loved me I could get over her.

That was it.

He needed to find someone else to love.

Juniper's eyelashes tickled Michael's skin as her eyes fluttered open. She started, nearly hitting her head against his jaw as she tried to comprehend why she was in bed cuddling with a boy.

"Woah! Relax!" Michael soothed, also slightly shocked from being jerked out of his thoughts.

Juniper's cheeks flushed. "Sorry."

𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒂 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒏' ≛ m. kelso ✔Where stories live. Discover now