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Draco: Pansy, is it gay if I think a guy is cute?

Pansy: not really, it could only be-

Draco: and I'm envious of his friends because they get to hug him and talk to him daily,

Pansy: well, that-

Draco: and I always make fun of him and his aforementioned friends so he knows I exist, at least,

Pansy: oh dear-

Draco: and I once made hundreds and hundreds of pins insulting him, because I'm so evil

Pansy: oh no, Draco, is this-

Draco: and I sometimes hug myself imagining it's actually him hugging me?

Pansy: …

Pansy: yes, Draco

Pansy: that's gay.

(Mostly) Drarry incorrect quotesWhere stories live. Discover now