Chapter 3:Ghost

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Alone in his study, uncle Herbert sat with his head in his hands. Thoughts chased and swirled around his head as he fought to push down the feeling of worry rising from his gut. Bob had told him of a dream. Sure, he had denied that there had been a cave but Herbert was sure he had seen a flicker of guilt in the boys eyes as he spoke. He had hoped that it would be another year before the dreams came, but maybe this was the sign he needed to get motivated in the teachings. Sighing, he slowly stood up and went to apologise for his abrubt exit and explain the reason he was so worried.

Almost slipping on something, Herbert looked down to find a note from Bob. As he read, his eyes widened and his hands started shaking. He didn't want Bob finding out through history books?! If he had to know he would be told by someone who had been there to watch history unfold and knew the truth of the events that took place almost thirty five years ago.

As Bob reached the town of Bersech, he started to wonder if he really wanted to know the truth, or if he was just paranoid over a silly nightmare. Deciding to continue on his way, he ran the last short distance to the old library.

The library smelled of old books and lavender. Walking slowly over to one of the bookshelves he pulled a book from its place. Coughing from the cloud of dust that had been disturbed Bob creaked open the cover and scanned the title "knomes and their role" Bob laughed "this must be the mythical section" he whispered. Continuing along the aisle he stopped at a thick book. This book had no dust, unlike every other book on the shelf. Pulling it smoothly from between the clutches of its neighbours he sat down and opened it carefully...and watched as suddenly the shelves beside him shook. A bellow echoed through the building and Bob stared confused at the book on his lap.

Herbert rushed down the hill and threw himself into the library, the old door hitting the wall behind it and almost cracking. A loud sound echoed around the library and Herbert realised it had burst from his own mouth. Looking down the aisle in front of him he saw Bob staring frozen at the book he was holding. "He knows" Herbert whispered to himself as he gently made his way towards bob. Bob looked up at him and his eyes hardened "uncle?? Why is my mothers name printed in a book about witches?" Herbert opened his mouth to say something but instead he found the sentence hanging between them like a ghost. Swallowing hard, he motioned for Bob to follow him back to their home so he could explain.

With reluctance, Bob followed his uncle back to the castle. Not wanting to remove himself from the book but also wanting to know his past he found the latter more important for know.

Back in the living room Herbert started his story.

"Thirty-five years ago, a woman named Venus started showing unnatural ability..."

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