2. Clue Hunt (1)

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So everyone left to the kitchen in search for the first chit. They search the cupboards, drawers, every little thing until Guri found the chit near the cupboard wear the pasta's were kept. 

G: Ayyyye...... I found it!! 

She screamed out of excitement and they all ran back to the hall where Anika was sitting with Dadi

R: Okay Bhabhi we found what should we do now???

A: Well firstly you toke exactly 7minutes to fund it. (She said teasingly) Okay now open and look inside

They opened the chit and saw that it has the letter 'P' written on it. They were very confused as to what it could be. The room was filled with silence until Pinky spoke up

P: Anika beta....what must we do with this....it means nothing at all here now (with a confused face)

A: Well.... Pinky ma this letter will help you at the end of the game. 

Everyone nodded their heads to show that they understand what was going on 

A: Now for the second chit you all have to work together as team. So next hint will be found...... in...... Shivaay's...... study.......but first...... 

They all went without hearing what she wanted to say afterwards.

A: Wait first listen to me!!!! 

 They came to his study and started turning it upside down just for a chit. They all were confused because they couldn't find it until something caught their eyes, it was the chit, it was placed on the globe. They sighed in relief to find it not bothered about the study being a complete mess. They ran back to the hall with the chit and gave it to Anika when she placed it next to the previous one which was placed on a beautiful decorated board when they ran off. So far it said 'PR'. They all where dead confused as to what is happening. 

A: Good now that you got 2 letters there are just have 6 more to go. 

Om: But Bhabhi it's now 10 o'clock I'm feeling very tired all that running around and stuff made me very tired, please can we just rest for some time

A: No.....I want you all to finish the game by tonight 

S: Baby please the minute I came home it was straight to running around in the kitchen and my study which by now a complete mess. Please can't we continue tomorrow

A: Alright you all are tired fine let's do it this way, we will play it a different way then ok

Everyone's faces lit up by the way she mentioned it 

Precap: different version of the clue hunt

This was a bit short but will probably be a bit long for the next part. Lots and lots of love❤️❤️❤️. 

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