Quarantine (wow, creative)

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Be quiet, I'm tired.

Everyone knows that there's something wrong
We know what but we don't know why
We just have to listen, just play along
If we stay maybe no one will die

We're locked down inside
Though there isn't a key
We're having to hide
Though there's no one to seek

We're not locked in a tower
We're not lost far away
There's no higher power
That keeps us away

So why don't we rebel?
Why do we stay?
If you were faced with a cell
Wouldn't you run away?

But the truth is, we're scared
That's why we're complying
They say we're prepared
But we all know they're lying

We're scared if we move
We'll be spreading the virus
We're scared 'cause we can't choose
Who'll end up as lifeless

No one can tell us
How to run or fight back
'Cause everyone's defenceless
When it decides to attack

So what do we do?
Do we listen to reason?
Do we think it all through?
Or simply stay home and listen?

My friend (walrus) made me come back here so I may as well post the good old edgy drama project from six months ago. Enjoy.

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